No blog is going to top the Irving Inquisition when it comes to detailed coverage of the Steve Meldahl slumlord empire, click here for an example of that coverage. But today I was driving past 1223 26th Ave. N., which Meldahl lists as his master address for a number of properties he owns, and I thought: So that's where all the slummy magic begins!
But, of course, nobody in North Minneapolis believes that Meldahl really LIVES in this crappy little crackerbox, and yet...
...the building may very well be Meldahl's headquarters, in some sense of local administrative control over his empire of slum. When residents of North Minneapolis cast their eyes around at Meldahl's mess and ask aloud: Where is Meldahl? Where is this slimeball? THIS is the answer we get: 1223 26th Ave. N.
Well, Irving Inquisition blog can have Meldahl as a bone to chew, and good luck with that, but I certainly want to get my licks in before Meldahl's rental property empire collapses.
And why would I think that? Why would I think Meldahl's empire will fall?
Because North Minneapolis is turning itself around, and the empires of slumlords stand in the way. Something has to give, and it won't be progress, it will be the slumlord empires.
Stay tuned JNS readers. There's more Meldahl exposure on the way!
What's wrong with that house? It looks decent, clean and people who don't have alot of money probably can still afford to live there. Aren't we getting a bit picky in judging others property?
I agree with Anon 11:37. What is wrong with that place in your picture, other than the security bars, which we all need up here in the hood!
Oh, Anonymous, you are here in the hood, huh?
I don't believe any one said there was anything wrong with it, just a public service announcement of "here it is, Meldahl world headquarters"
It seems to be the place Meldahl uses for a master mailing address and my hunch is he uses it as his maintenance headquarters, too. So he is likely getting his slumlord empire correspondence there and plotting which maintenance problems he should fix and which ones he can defer.
This is much the same way Reitman uses his Ugly Ass Chocolate Brown Building (UACBB), as maitenance deferment headquarters, and funny how the Meldahl world headquarters and the Reitman UACBB share the same exterior painting plan, monotone. Maybe Meldahl's building should be called the Ugly Ass Puke Beige Building?
Agreed. I didn't say there was anything WRONG with the building. It could use some decorative trim, but there are much worse buildings in need of decorative trim like Keith Reitman's Ugly Ass Chocolate Brown Building on the 1400 block of West Broadway.
I like the name "Puke Beige Building" and will go with that.
I wonder if we could get the city to force Keith to paint that building. It may also be eligible for facade improvement dollars to dress up the area.
No. Steven Meldhal does not live there. Probably in edina somewhere. I live next to a meldahl property. And going through HELL. Fighting, Loud noise (I think they call it music nowadays) Drug dealing, child molesters, torture of animals (pit bulls) trash, Home invasion with guns, E.C.T. E.C.T. Every tennant has been no good. Meldahl is a sweet talker. Don't believe he has a screening prosses. (Yes I have met him). For the love of god someone please help! ! This has been going on for years! I'm a working person so I can't afford to move out the neighborhood I grew up in. HELP!
Hey 2:53 anon, do what I do--anytime I see an infraction (graffiti, trashed yard, biznatches make noise at 2am to they baby daddies) I call either 311 or 911 and also call the contact listed on the Minneapolis property look-up the next morning. I speak in a stern tone and explain two things: #1, I am a taxpaying homeowner and #2 I will continue to call both the city and YOU every time my peaceful existence is interrupted on my block. So far I think my point has been made. Sounds like you may have to make quite a few calls a day...good luck! Maybe you have a like-minded neighbor or two to do the same?
Drug dealing ,trash ,pit bulls barking all night domestics.fights, armed home invasions. Loud noise (music) gang activity. False car repair,(drug front), damage to other people's property ECT ECT.EVERY SINGLE TENANT! ! ! Someone please help! ! This is who Steve meldahl is.
Meldahls place on 26th is a lie.that's just a fronting address. Not his home. Quite sure he's somewhere in the burbs reaping the benefits of a slum lord. Do you relly think he cares.? I'm by one of his properties. Trust me its not fun.
lmao. THATS NOT STEVES HOUSE. peek inside the windows... ITS NOT LIVABLE. for you who are all still dumb founded-- STOP BY. infact thats where he has his tenants drop off sensitive information by at. How do i know? BECAUSE I WAS ONE OF THEM.. only. I didnt rent from steve. after he got my money. he decided to jack up the rent and charge doubble damage deposit. (WHICH IS NOT RIGHT!).. WHEN I REFUSED to give him any more money he kept the money that i already gave to him. So yes. im taking legal action against this bastard. Im a military widow with 4 children. how do you take advantage of someone in my situation without being a douche bag?.............. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!
Please email me. There are people in the neighborhood who might like to help you or, at the very least, keep track of what is happening with any lawsuit you file. My email is
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