It must have been a full month ago when I first saw "Bones," a mixed breed dog so emaciated he appears to be a doggy skeleton. He also hobbles around on three legs, with his right rear leg appearing completely inoperable. As was the case a couple days ago, I spotted Bones from the light rail.
I don't know his real name, or if he ever had a real name. "Bones" is just what I've named him...
It's odd that a stray dog like Bones would become so skinny in the bar district. There are garbage cans aplenty, there are kind strangers made even more jovial by liquor. A dog that thin must have some kind of sickness making him so skinny. A month ago I reached for my cell phone to call Animal Control, but my cell phone was dead. I thought, well, somebody else will see the dog and make the call.
I hate calling Animal Control. Most times I just won't do it. My personal code is "I will only call when the animal has a license hanging off its collar or if it's obviously injured." But a dog that skinny...? What kind of "quality of life" does it have?
I had forgotten all about the bony dog I saw a month ago from the windows of the light rail. Until yesterday, when I saw him again, almost in the same spot. This time, somebody was helping him. A woman who seemed to be a worker from one of the stores gently led the dog inside a doorway. I pulled out my camera and managed to get a photo.
I hope the dog got some help. I am sure many people--probably some readers of this blog--have noticed the same dog. I write this blog post because I want to know...
Does anybody have information about this dog and his fate?
Due to budgetary restraints, Bones was delayed in getting the five-year money give away plan that all dogs get when they reach our gullible shores. I am positive when given this generous stipend, which all single childless dogs receive, he will promptly return to Chicago and we will not see hide nor hair of least til the first of next month... with twenty relatives accompanying him so they can get theirs, No Bullshit.
ahat a great story, about a great (anonymous) lady! this picture actually made me tear up a little. honestly.
Gee, I think that "tsunami dog" that they found floating on an island of debris off of the coast of japan looked a heck of a lot better. If you pitted those dogs against each other, I think Micheal Vick would bet on Tsunami Dog. Tsunami Dog would put the hurt on Bones!
Bones is indeed on his last three legs.
@Veg, me too.
I would encourage people to not jump to conclusions based on observations with no knowledge of the situation... 'Bones' as you crudely refer to this dog is someones beloved pet that has a legitimate medical condition...
The harsh, abrasive comments that are made in this blog strike to the heart of the family that has spent a significant amount of time, tears and money trying to keep this pet as happy and comfortable as possible... Rather than stand from afar and cast judgment across the internet, maybe as a society we would all be better off if we turned off the computer and went back to the basics of human communication.....
Your comment is B.S.
You ask for information, then state the info is "BS". What proof do you have that Jen's comment is not accurate?
Maybe, the dog belongs to that person helping the dog since you saw it in the same location, and is just old.
For the record. I have a 14 year old terrier. The dog is quite skinny and his ribs are visible from his underside. At first look he appears ill. But aside from being 80% blind and having a bad hip, he is actually quite healthy. He eats twice a day and get several table scraps, yet as an old dog, he has little body fat.
That's just the way old animals are.
So I have no reason to believe "Jen's" comments are BS, since this is something you saw passing by.
Jen's comments are really something to think about. We are all very quick to judge others without knowing or obtaining adequate information.
And your "last three legs" comment is exceptionally insensitive. You appear a very cruel person.
I tell you what. I will go to that location and make inquiries. If this shockingly skinny dog is actually owned by somebody, that is news. But I continue to believe it is a stray in bad condition. The photo doesn't even reveal just how bad that dog looked. I've never seen a dog look so bad, not even among the feral packs of dogs in El Paso or the dogs that live in the garbage piles of Mexico.
If the dog is in THAT bad of shape, and yet its owner continues to nurse it along, I am glad. That would be very kind and humane. But I'm not prepared to believe that quite yet. I've been back there a number of times and not seen the dog.
if the dog was wandering around off-leash, then it was a stray dog. responsible owners keep their dogs in fenced yards or on a leash. aside from protecting the animal from being hit by a car (and other dangers), it's the law.
Oddly enough that dog is owned by a very wealthy Minnesotan who happens to have a popular place on the 5 an 6 news I won't mention the station.
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