Some people go bird watching, or collect coins.
I prefer to spot rare forms of official paper plastered to doors, click here for an example.
Some days ago, I experienced quite a thrill as I observed...
...a green placard that wasn't "key lime," but a deeper shade of green. I knew it was something out of the ordinary and I rushed over to see. What to my wondering eyes did appear but an "Illegal Occupancy Final Notice" placard.
Oh, what a thrill! I'd never even SEEN one of these before. Oh, sure, I've seen the illegal occupancy placards--off the top of my head, I think they are orange--but what's with this "final notice" thing? How many notices do illegal occupiers get? Does this mean some sort of official appeals process was completed and a final decision made? How long did THAT take?
This placard was located at 2801 James Ave. N., which tax records show is owned by a "Randy Olson," but the taxpayer is listed as FREDERICK & VIRGINA WHERLAND, 7317 GLOUCHESTER DR, EDINA MN 55435. There is currently no rental license, nor is the property homesteaded. Most likely this is another of the "investors" who plague north Minneapolis with their dreams of property investment riches turned into more slummy, vacant property for our neighborhood to endure.
Sooner or later, all their names will end up publicly plastered all over Johnny Northside Dot Com or similar grassroots blogging efforts. All of them.
Decent home owners are wanted in NoMi, but more starry-eyed "investors" should not bother getting off the tour bus.
I'm pretty sure the final notice placards weren't green when the apartment complex of anarchy was evacuated in the EcoVillage a few years back. Regulatory plumage is apparently evolving.
What kind of ass rejoices at people being evicted. You are sick and disturbed!!
What kind of ass rejoices?
If the neighbors are anything like mine, I'll be that ass. My neighbors and I value detritus free lawns and quiet after 10 pm. We don't want people cutting through our fenced yards, hootin' and hollerin' at midnight or tossing garbage where ever the hell they feel like it. If my ne'er do well neighbors from NJ (according to car tags) want to continue their un-neighborly ways, I'll be that ass. Or I'll be riding one...somebody's.
"Walt Kowalski" was the character played by Clint Eastwood in the movie Gran Torino.
Try using a different made up fake name next time, Megan or whoever you are.
I just feel bad that the person's name was "Virgina." Who would do that to someone?
I just feel bad that the person's name is "Virgina." Who would do that to someone? It's desperately missing a simple "i" right there before the last "a."
I copied and pasted it right off the tax records. I must confess I didn't even notice the name was "Virgina" not "Virginia."
The Walt Kowalski commenter wasn't me, however, my kitty is right here yapping her cute little head off, I think she is trying to take credit for being Walt Kowalski.
Anon 11:06, why would I want to use a different fake name when W Kowalski works fine? Especially when there's trouble brewing here on the block?
Don't make me channel Bickle. Or do ya feel lucky?
ps~and no, I'm not Megan, or anyone associated with this blog. Just a NOMI resident who doesn't want to live in a ghetto.
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