Jill M. Waite, who is "the partner-in-crime" of the attorney who represented the democratically ousted "Old Majority" in an utterly unsuccessful case against the democratically elected "New Majority" in the Jordan Area Community Council--a matter extensively and exclusively reported on this blog, click here for a sample post--has been suspended from the practice of law in Minnesota for failing to file income tax returns.
The Minnesota State Supreme Court--which is the final authority in the State of Minnesota when it comes to lawyer discipline--released its ruling today, click here for a link.
The document is a...
...disturbing chronicle of failure to adhere to professional responsibilities and fulfill one's basic duty as an American. The media will (hopefully) have a field day with this, but you read it here first on Johnny Northside Dot Com. (Sound of glasses clinking together in joyful celebration)
One can't help but wonder how this ruling will impact their relationship, and other cases, some of which touch on the Northside. These lawyers are so close they've been dubbed "the two Jills" and frequently work on cases together.
Please try not to glamorize alcohol on your blog so much. I have some young kids who look up to revitalizers like you and when you glorify booze it makes them more likely to abuse it.
Alcohol use and abuse has much more to do with our problems in NoMi than do dimebags (even 14 of them).
You're exactly right John. People who don't pay their taxes should be publicly shamed as the low life freeloaders that they are.
Well said, Tammy.
I fail to see how John is glamorizing alcohol "so much."
That picture is the opposite of glamorous...
Honestly, I just didn't have a good stock photo to illustrate this post, so I worked with what I had. I'm not glamorizing alcohol...I'm glamorizing lawyer discipline.
There's a guy in our neighborhood who looks just like that guy in the photo. He's always sitting on furniture outside with a bottle, has a fat belly and is beligerant. I'll have to show this picture to him he'll have a laugh.
T Jaramillo
After some soul searching, I decided to "cease and desist" from using the photo of myself drinking from a bottle of booze, and substituted a nice Flickr.com image.
For a definition of "partner in crime" see urban dictionary dot com.
Jeff Skrenes is my partner in crime.
OMG once again you cave to the man. They complain about you glorifying Alcohol and you change the website. If I wanted to read the www.startribune.com site i'd go there. This is JNS no buckle to pressure. What up G?
To Trey Dog:
Honestly, I found a better photo. Don't worry, I'll do some "reveling in booze" posts in the very near future, just for you. You will find them tre, tre boozy.
Makes sense that lawyers a publically shamed for not paying their taxes. Wonder if property taxes fall in the same category? There is a certain public figure twin who has that problem.
It's not the reference to alcohol I mind, it's that it's such cheap swill. Kick it up a notch, JNS! Think of how distinguished your blog would be if you drank single-malt scotch. You'd be the New Yorker of the blogosphere!
I'm going to start charging for these pointers.
WTF...Computer Phobia?
The cops love it!
Oh, I'm glad the Star Tribune finally got the story. That's great. Way to go, Star Tribune.
In regard to "Single Malt Scotch," hey, I like Hendricks gin. That's kinda sort classy, right?
I will give much thought to your "kick it up a notch" thought. I will be thinking and drinking.
Here's my favorite part of the Star Tribune story.
Clark, who represented Waite on the disciplinary action, didn't respond to a request for comment.
Gee, wouldn't it be COOL if I could get my hands on some commentary that took place behind the scenes and publish it? I'm just SAYING.
The "New JACC" case isn't exactly over, either, and I'll be waiting eagerly for the other shoe to drop with THAT matter and for information to find its way into my hot hot hands.
How about this line from the Minnesota Supreme Court's Per Curiam decision:
"The similarity between Waite's past misconduct and the misconduct in the federal district court matter indicates that Waite has not renewed her 'commitment to comprehensive ethical and professional behavior.'"
Here's a case botched by Jill M. Waite, follow the link.
The case itself summarizes her incompetence. It makes one cringe to read it.
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