Monday, November 18, 2013

Malo Gomez Gunned Down In A Phone Booth On Broadway...Back In 1996! What Relationship To The OTHER Malo Gomez?

Malo Gomez image from Facebook, used under First 
Amendment Fair Comment and Criticism and Public
Safety Exception, blog post by John Hoff

The year was 1996, and Minneapolis had a new police chief named Bob Olson. No more had Olson stepped off a plane from New York when 66-year-old Eugene Kennedy was gunned down on Girard Avenue North while hosting a card game. One presumes the point of the "card game" involved more than gleefully yelling "Go fish!"

Three days later, on "Broadway Avenue," somebody named "Malo Gomez" was shot to death in a phone booth...

Readers of JNS blog and many other citizens of Minneapolis have heard the name Malo Gomez. He was the crazy kid who fired on police officers because, he said, he was bored. JNS blog does not believe that excuse and believes Malo was trying to gun down police in order to collect a bounty offered by a gang.

But according to a newspaper article from 1996, a portion of which is available online (click here) , there was ANOTHER Malo Gomez.

I thought I knew the whole Gomez family tree pretty well. All the way from Paktya Province, Afghanistan, during my rare and delicious down time from soldiering, I wrote a handy dandy online guide to the Gomez crime family, click here.

Now I find out there was ANOTHER Malo Gomez? Relationship to the OTHER members of the Gomez family unknown?

It's like being an archeologist who digs up an old finger bone and realizes there's an unknown branch of the human family nobody accounted for previously!

Here's what my anonymous commenter says:


Read at the link. Look at the dates in 1995. Do the math! When did the Malo Gomez phone booth Broadway Avenue convenience store gang-related hit in that story happen? Give or take a day or two? March 21 or 22 1995. Then go to and read this: 4.) Malo Dayshanty Gomez (other spellings of the name appear to exist) who died of homicidal violence on March 23, 1995. Click here for death record. Malo D. Gomez was the father of, well, Malo D. Gomez, the young "bored shooter." Capice? on Keeping Up With The Gomezes (A Handy Dandy Guide, The Long Awaited PART TWO!)

And, of course, this information fits perfectly with the new JNS blog focus on "crime families" in North Minneapolis.

Anonymous commenters, whoever you are (police intel unit, cough cough) just keep the good information coming! 


Anonymous said...

MaLo Gomez 1995 shooting death mentioned in this article.

"Last defendant sentenced for death of boy, 13, riding bike Ray’Jon Gomez’s mother struggled for composure as she spoke of her son’s shooting death

Anonymous said...

JNS Blog is about to be getting back to the Gomez family tree. Again.

Johnny Northside! said...

I don't follow. Explain that comment.

Anonymous said...

Just like before. Click that.

More info on where they came from, who they are related to, more branches in that tree. Different states, different countries.