Monday, July 30, 2012

Legendary Butter Roll Bakery Poised To Reopen Under New Ownership On West Broadway...

North Talk Facebook Forum image used under First Amendment Fair Comment and Criticism, blog post by John Hoff

The Butter Roll bakery on West Broadway, a striking building that dominates an important corner essential to the revitalization of West Broadway, is reportedly under new ownership.

Charmaine Wahlstrom, who has been discussing making some kind of major real estate purchase in North Minneapolis for at least two years, (and may have made other purchases, this blogger doesn't have that info at the moment) recently acquired the Butter Roll Bakery which had not been in business since the tragic and sudden death of Donald Petros, 66, in a vehicle accident that also injured his wife, Ginny Petros, also 66...
There have been rumors floating around that ice cream might be sold at the location when it reopens in addition to baked goods. I was fortunate to visit Butter Roll ONE TIME before it closed after the tragic accident, click here.

The bakery was the alleged site of a colorful (but probably completely made up) incident between disreputable slumlord Morris Klock and Council Member Don Samuels, canonized by this blog for Northside sainthood. (Here is another informative link, click here)

Attorney Jill Clark, currently facing disciplinary proceedings before the Minnesota Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board, is still listed as the lawyer for Morris Klock and his wife, Christine Klock, in a case which is currently scheduled for a jury trial March 18, 2013. However, a case against Don Samuels by Morris Klock was listed as "case closed" on February 22, 2011.

I missed writing about it because I was in Afghanistan. Sad face.

Good luck to Charmaine Wahlstrom and god speed the revitalization of West Broadway.

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