Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Remaro C. Smith, Reportedly One Of The Last To See Annshalike Hamilton Alive, Incarcerated In Illinois For 30 Month Stretch...

IDOC mug shot, therefore public domain,
blog post by John Hoff

This blog has long tracked the doings of Remaro C. Smith, reportedly one of the last people to see murder victim Annshalike Hamilton alive. Click here for previous story in which the mother of Annshalike Hamilton states her belief that Smith murdered her daughter. The murder of Hamilton remains unsolved and there is a reward being offered.

Now word comes that Smith is incarcerated in Illinois, serving a 30 month stretch in Macon County on a charge of "Obstruct Justice/Destroy Evidence."

Oh, my. I wonder what THAT was about? I'll see if I can get more details to share. 


Anonymous said...

Chicago trash ruining our city with their racismistic and separatismic screw normal society attitude that prevails in their criminalistic and spasmadic empty get-over existence. Racist, murdering Assholes might be more appropriate.

Johnny Northside! said...

You used two words that don't even exist and whose meaning can't be clearly deciphered from the context in which you are using them. I don't even know whether to reject your comment. I am not even sure what you're trying to say.

But "Chicago trash ruining our city" is clear enough and I would tend to agree with THAT part.

Anonymous said...

He looks empty.

Anonymous said...

I'll cipher it for you, Johnny. "Asshole" refers to the sphincter.

Anonymous said...

The type of vocabulary that the commentator @ 9:09 is utilizing is a coded message stating that he or she may start secretly eliminating domestic terrorist's one by one in sniper fashion.
By wondering if you should reject the comment without trying to define the statement, proves you are selective in your censorship and your intelligence is over-rated. You also are confusingly irrational.

Johnny Northside! said...

WHY IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY would you put an apostrophe in front of that "s" when it is only plural, not possessive? And here you are talking about somebody's "intelligence" when it looks as though you learned how to write using a piece of dried dog dung in a cave decades after the zombie apocalypse.

Anonymous said...

You need to go back to the drawing board, son, your lack of creative imagination has been thwarted by excessive liquor consumption and science fiction overload.