Peter Teachout, Jr., Age 6, "Tiger Lily In Context"
Little Peter did succeed in taking some flower pictures without adult interference. I like this one best, and I can't help but contrast it with the picture I took of the Polish lady's tiger lily.
Acting like an adult with a camera, I tried to isolate the tiger lily and make it a perfect botanical example. But young Pete's photo celebrates the lily in its context--both in terms of his home and the surrounding plants--plus reveals two distinctly different stages in the life of the lily, valuing both of them even if the spectacular blossom is the focal point.
Instead of ignoring the small utility box on the side of the house, the 6-year-old finds it an object of subtle fascination...but since he is (I strongly suspect) forbidden to touch it, his expression of interest in the object is muted, literally hidden behind leaves like Adam and Eve.
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