Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Stolen Car Crashes Into A House (Photos 6, 7)

Photo by John Hoff

The fire looked to be out when all that steam spewed forth, but oh, gee, look it's still going. And you can see how the house roof is really ablaze, too.

Maybe the owner of the car filled the tank up before it was stolen? Imagine the conversation that car owner had with his insurance agent!

I'm sure these "gangsters" will act remorseful and sorry during their sentencing hearing. And if they're lucky enough to get somebody like Judge Mel I. Dickstein, their charade might even succeed.

What did the owner of this house do to deserve coming home to such a scene? Here are images of "rampant crime" meets "homeowners just trying to live their lives in peace." This is what THAT looks like.

(Do not click "Read More")

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