Sunday, August 10, 2008

Little Pete, Age 6, Takes The Camera (Photo 7)

Peter Teachout, Jr., Age 6, "The New Boat."

Pete figured out the digital camera couldn't see in the dark as well as he himself could, and had questions about why that was. His father's newly-obtained boat--which had just recently arrived from Wisconsin--was the first thing Pete wanted to photograph.

To produce the kind of picture he wanted, the 6-year-old had to wrestle with lighting conditions. This photo was the result. Note how the boat shines within the dark garage, seemingly filled with promises of aquatic summer fun, quietly waiting to go beyond the garage door and into the sunshine.

At the same time...the boat must be protected, secured, kept locked up or it will become somebody else's boat in the wink of an eye. Except for sunshine, there is nothing notable beyond the boat...nothing but an empty alley into which property might disappear.

Call me crazy, but I see all that in this photo.

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