Monday, November 17, 2008

Metal Scrappers Descend On 3119 4th St. N.

Photo By John Hoff

Word comes from "Patty Cake" that metal scrappers with a pickup truck descended....

...on 3119 4th St. N. I had noticed a lot of salvageable metal within the tangled wreckage; copper wire, part of a rain gutter, and some appliances--stoves and fridges--so ripped up by the backhoe that fairly decent pieces of metal could be pulled from the useless, bulky parts. Frankly, I'm surprised it took the scrappers this long to arrive. 

The scrappers are regarded with a mixture of perceptions: on the one hand, they are doing hard and gritty work which is arguably environmentalist. On the other hand, many of them are suspected of drug addictions and criminal records, and a few are not adverse to stealing copper pipes and pulling metal siding right off houses if nobody is looking. How do you know the "honest" scrappers from the rest? You don't. However, if they're using a licensed vehicle instead of a baby buggy, then they seem to be better-quality scrappers. But not always. 

"Patty" was hoping to have a little party when the privacy fence was completed, but with the fence now delayed until spring she's contemplating a "putting plastic over the northern windows" party.

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