I've written plenty about 3001 6th St. N. Well, today I was looking through the MLS and I discovered...
...it has been listed for a while at $225,000. Which is just, like, FLIPPING INSANE. And I mean both aspects of that. FLIPPING. Plus INSANE.
Oh, wouldn't we all be soooo happy over in the Eco Village if prices had actually shot up that much? Maybe the seller of 3001 6th St. N. is just a...visionary. Yeah, visions of an obscene profit dancing in his head like sugar plum fairies wearing dollar-bill tutus. We see the neighborhood mess where flipping got us in the first place.
And, as much as I'd like to see people's equity increase, see the values of houses go up, see the tax base stabilize...I'm sorry, that price is just NUTS.
But, once again, the MLS provides much amusement for neighborhood geeks like me.
I could have told you about this... remember when I said the place was double-listed?
That was awesome.
In hindsight I should have just let it be - the irony was comic gold.
This home is a four-plex. This is an income-producing unit and will probably pay for itself (positive cash flow). Now to find a buyer that has the down payment and credit!
To Ranty: Irony isn't irony unless human minds are perceiving it. I'm sure this place will produce more "comic gold" in the near future.
To Jeanie: Oh, yes, how we all look forward to seeing that house "positive cash flow" by being packed full of renters eager to live on what USED TO BE the worst drug-dealing and prostitution corner in all of North Minneapolis, and we still have crack flowing out of 3020 6th St. N. daily, even hourly.
I have the number of that house, and I don't mean "3001 6th St. N."
I mean...I've got its number.
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