Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nitelen Jackson, Northside Felon And Prolific User Of Facebook, Is In Prison Until 2015...

MN DOC mug shot, therefore public domain, blog post by
John Hoff

Nitelen Jackson, who first came to the attention of this blog when an anonymous commenter dropped his name, and then became something of his own blog subtopic, is now in prison.

I was looking at the jail roster recently and noticed he'd been "released" to other authorities. I dropped a comment upon one of the many blog posts I've written about him (who can forget the "Nine Days And Nights Of Nitelen?") about his release from jail, and as luck would have it...

...one of the folks who regularly sends me helpful information pointed me to the MN DOC webpage, where Nitelen has his own special entry, click here.

Nitelen's anticipated release date is January of 2015. He'll be on probation (which he won't follow very well) until January of the year after THAT.

Nitelen is currently in St. Cloud but it's my understanding this is where the fresh fish are sorted, and then dispersed to wherever they end up going in the prison system.

Note Nitelen's distinctive tattoo, above. The inscription references DeCari Antonio Starr,  ("Pudda") whose murder remains unsolved. Nitelen was reportedly a friend of Starr and, supposedly for that reason, Nitelen tattooed his neck in tribune to Starr.

Here, below, is a photo of Nitelen at the grave of DeCari Antonio Starr which came from Nitelen's Facebook page.

Is it just me, or is Nitelen's face wearing an expression which doesn't quite fit the moment?


Nitelen is in prison and will be for a while. 


Johnny Northside! said...

I should add this relevant detail. The sentence for Nitelen Jackson was 36 months minus 194 days served.

Johnny Northside! said...

Comment rejected wherein the commenter fantasizes about doing harm to Nitelen, with a particular focus on his tattoo.

I don't care for the young man, either. But I'm not going to publish crap like that.

Anonymous said...

fucc pudda locc

Domino said...

I just saw he got indicted today...