Sunday, September 8, 2013

Uncle Of Tiny Shooting Victim Isaac Early Is Named James Early, There Is Extensive Communication On Facebook About Whether To Turn Himself In...

Facebook photo, used under First Amendment Fair Comment
and Criticism and public safety reasons, blog post by John 

Information provided to JNS blog in the form of an anonymous comment has led this blogger to the Facebook profile of James Early, who appears to be the uncle and of two-month-old shooting victim Isaac Early, reportedly still clinging to life following what has been described as a tragic accident with a firearm. (ADDENDUM, SEPTEMBER 9, an earlier version of this blog post incorrectly identified the baby as also being named James Early instead of Isaac Early)

Click here for his Facebook profile. You won't be able to see it if you don't have a Facebook account yourself, however.

James Early, who has not yet been named in any other media entity, is on the run following the shooting and not in the hands of police, who have been urging him to turn himself in...

On Facebook, there is extensive discussion between James Early and his friends. The discussion speaks for itself, albeit not in the clearest English.

I'm sorry all my love ones acciidents do happen but ima be a man about mines period love yall
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