Today I saw what appears to be the up-and-coming "Fashion and Design District" of the North Loop neighborhood, where I went to a farmer's market and browsed a "man-sessories" store with Megan Goodmundson of the Jordan Neighborhood.
What amazing potential is apparent in this charming area of old industrial buildings!
(Do not click "Read More")
(Do not click "Read More")
I want one!
Ranty, you want what? an old charming building???
You want one what? A charming old industrial building or a "man-sessory"?
I think Ranty collects both + charming old buildings AND man-sessories.
SHE WANTS IT!!!! She wants it like she wants to adopt a doe-eyed Honduran street orphan and NOTHING BETTER GET IN HER WAY!!!
Sorry. My joke relies on something said in a long-ago conversation with Connie about another building she wanted. And got, if I remember...
This may be kind of a stupid question, but I just realized I have no idea how North Minneapolis came to the state of dysfunction that it currently seems to be in! Johnny, can you give us a little history? Everywhere you see signs of a once-bustling, prosperous community. What happened?
JNS Reader, I think the ansswer to your inquiry is best discussed over a few rounds of your favorite adult beverage. Seriously, north minneapolis is not an anomoloy. Look at almost every major metro area and you will find wonderful neighborhoods with many positive's to offer, yet still plagues by many dysfunctional social elements, which can be attributed to any combination of your favorite social issues: poverty, drugs, educational disperities, racism, classism etc etc. Oh and probablly some poor urban planning policies.
Perhaps we need to plan a JNS meet-n-greet to discuss further.
A cool old brick building - that's what I want! (What is a man-cessory again? Oh wait, don't answer that.)
Ranty, man-sessory = accessorie's for men.
Or in another view, accessorie's that ARE men????
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