Here's something pretty funny. Lennie "The Heckler" Chism has fired off an email accusing me of--get this!!!!--being a delegate during the recent 5th Ward DFL convention!!!!!!!
Like, oh yeah, besides doing all that stuff I wrote about in those recent blog posts, and taking all those pictures I put up on this blog and Facebook...
I was also, in addition, sitting on the floor and voting as a delegate in the Fifth Ward where I don't even live. I am, clearly, an amazing man to be able to do all that and get away with it. How does one EXPLAIN that? Well, here's a clue: if you go to Facebook, and use the "Super Hero Name Generator," mine comes up as "The Courageous Chameleon." What is the source of the Chameleon's extraordinary powers?
Two words: Duct tape.
No, it gets funnier: Lennie has called in THE MAN to deal with this. Oh, yes, he says he has filed a police report. HYSTERICAL!!! I haven't had this much fun since working on the military psych ward right after Desert Storm!
But seriously, folks...
Clearly, Lennie hasn't even bothered to examine the delegate list. I would bet everything I own there is no "John Hoff" on that list. It seems like Chism may have me oh-so-confused with the big, angry, corn-fed guy who got up from the last row of delegate seats and argued with him. (That guy is reportedly a firefighter) (CORRECTION, late April: info was not correct, he is in fact an attorney but was flattered to be thought of as a "firefighter" even for a moment)
There are, fortunately, far more interesting controversies a-brewing than poor, confused Lennie Chism.
Geez, I hope he didn't accidentally HECKLE the wrong person, too.
sure, everybody criticizes the police until they need to file a "mom, he keeps staring at me" report.
You can find the police report he filed (public version of it anyway) under CCN 09-088260. The public version does not include much information because the officer's supplemental statement does not appear. You are not mentioned in it but someone named Chad Reichwald is. I beleive he was a delegate.
I know there was some kind of police report generated at the convention as a result of the incident--heck, I photographed Lennie with the two bemused-looking police officers, but in his recent communication I was under the impression Lennie was talking about filing ANOTHER police report.
All the same...great info. Um, do you have a copy of that report already and could you email it to
Sue the city. Here is Jill Clark's number:
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