Here is the word on what happened at last night's meeting of the Public Safety Committee in the Hawthorne Neighborhood, where upcoming ACORN "direct actions" were discussed in the context of a neighborhood response...
A resolution was passed by the Public Safety Committee opposing such housing takeovers in the Hawthorne Neighborhood. Word is the resolution had a lot of wording, but the long and the short of it was opposition. This resolution now goes to the Executive Committee for the "yay or nay," but opposition is not expected.
Also, Lieutenant Rugel of the 4th Precinct was at the meeting, and discussed a police memo which had circulated saying, in so many words, some actions are still trespassing no matter what the politics of the situation might be, and those actions will be treated like trespassing.
I've always thought the city's mandate/directive/plea for citizens to "adopt houses" had a lot of leeway for common sense actions to secure vacant properties, but moving into one and making it your, it can't be stretched THAT far.
1 comment:
Agreed about "giving" homes to the homeless. This is counter productive and will prevent investment. The keyword here is INVESTMENT, not HANDOUTS.
North has enough problems the way it is...We need folks to purchase, maintain and live in these homes, not create a massive shelter neighborhood.
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