Rumor had it there might be some fireworks at the 5th Ward DFL Credentials Committee, as the campaigns of City Council Member Don Samuels and challenger Kenya McKnight jockey for delegates, with both sides issuing challenges and McKnight alleging intrigue over 8 delegates, which some are now calling "The Kenya 8."
While the Credentials Committee was not nearly as much fun as a JACC meeting, I was not disappointed. Here is my firsthand account...
The meeting took place at Heritage Park, a development located at the former site of high rise, low-income housing which was demolished. I'm told there were lawsuits filed over the demolition of the high rises, the loss of the housing. Another story for another day; in any case, the meeting took place in the community room of the rental office.
The meeting started out, as nearly all North Minneapolis meetings do, with the moving and setting up of chairs. Kip Browne, the new chairman of the Jordan Area Community Council, and Jerry Moore, the former executive director of that organization, put seats in place like they were student government buddies or something. After a while, somebody brought refreshments; bottled water and sandwiches from Subway. No airs being put on, here.
I was able to gather the names of some of the characters in this little drama, both before and after the meeting.
# Jerry Moore, co-chair of the committee, lives at Heritage Park, former executive director of JACC. He is apparently affiliated with the campaign of Kenya McKnight, but critics say Jerry is putting on a pretense of "non-affiliation" and "objectivity."
# Jackie Cherryhomes, co-chair of the committee, former member of the City Council, a resident of the Homewood area of Willard-Hay. She is openly affiliated with the campaign of Don Samuels.
# Brian Bushay. He was not present at this meeting, but he was in charge of running the recent 5th Ward Caucus, collecting information from the "conveners" about who showed up, who became a delegate and an alternate. Kanya McKnight claims she gave documents about 8 absentees to Bushay, but Bushay apparently states he didn't get any such documents. He is married to State Senator Linda Higgins.
# Helen Williams, currently campaigning for Kenya McKnight, but during the last campaign she was affiliated with Don Samuels. Williams does funerals for impoverished people who die in North Minneapolis violence, including the recent funeral for Annshalike Hamilton.
# Kip Browne, chair of the "New Majority" JACC organization, affiliated with the campaign of Don Samuels. Kip Browne seems to be chasing Jerry Moore from one organization to another.
# Vladimir Monroe, up-and-coming North Minneapolis political activist, working for the Samuels campaign.
# Mike Fedor, affiliated with the Kenya McKnight campaign.
There are some other minor players; we'll get to them by-and-by. The meeting began when co-chair Jerry Moore, lacking a gavel, rapped on the table with his knuckles and called for order. I followed as best I could but, of course, nobody had bothered to distribute extra agendas to members of the audience. Jerry had everybody, including those of us in the audience, introduce themselves. He emphasized this was a public meeting. The undertone was unmistakeable: grassroots media is watching everything, folks. You'll be reading about this on the internet, tomorrow.
The discussion quickly turned to "known challenges," and how these challenges were delivered. Jerry Moore said somebody (Vladamir Monroe) had put a document on his front door, instead of handing it to him, and said, "When you hand deliver, you usually hand it to somebody."
Despite this little show of sparks, whatever issue was at hand was quickly resolved; Jackie Cherryhomes made a motion saying that "the credentials committee resolved those issues on March 9, and those people have been appropriately placed in the Fourth Ward."
The really FUN challenges involved a challenge to Vladimir Monroe brought by Ben Meyers (yes, of "Old Majority" JACC fame, while Monroe is part of the "New Majority") as well as a challenge to Laurel Moore brought by Vladamir Monroe. Who is Laurel Moore? Jerry's MOTHER. This was indeed an up-close-and-personal, in-your-face moment in 5th Ward politics.
Kip Browne moved to reject the challenge brought by Ben Myers against Monroe, because there was no indication it was delivered to the state DFL, per the proper procedure, and also Browne wanted to know why a copy of the challenge was not delivered to the March 7 meeting. (This last question was directed, pointedly, to Jerry)
During this whole discussion, I couldn't help but notice Jerry Moore's legs were churning nervously, like he was RIDING A BIKE or something.
Kip Browne's choice to reject the challenge on purely PROCEDURAL grounds was lawyerly and tactical: the motion, if successful, would put Ben Myers--a licensed attorney--in the position of having his challenge rejected because of sloppy inattention to legal technicalities. Browne indicated that he had ANOTHER motion at the ready, if the first one failed--probably the fact Monroe could produce adequate and overwhelming evidence of residency, up to and including his state-issued identification. (One source told me Myers has been "obsessed" for quite a while with proving that Monroe doesn't really live where Monroe does, in fact, live)
The question was called. Moore wanted a show of hands, not a voice vote. The way it shook out was 8 in favor of Kip's motion, 4 opposed, and one abstaining. (That was Makeda Zulu-Gillespie, who indicated she didn't know enough about the controversy to vote either way)
The votes appeared to break down among McKnight versus Samuels supporters, with the "groom's side" sitting on one side of the table, and the "bride's side" sitting on the other, mostly.
Next up was the issue of Jerry Moore's mother.
At this point, Jackie Cherryhomes took over the meeting, because Jerry Moore was in the position of being a witness. Moore said this was his mother's address, and she lives there as a renter, living in Unit No. 2, not Unit No. 1. Vladamir Monroe asserted there was no record of her living there, and also discrepancies in the absentee letter. Monroe said he used a reverse telephone directory, apparently White Pages Dot Com, and couldn't locate evidence that Laurel Moore lived at that address.
Kip Browne began to cross-examine Moore, asking if Moore had brought any evidence with him, today, of his mother's residency? Moore tried to revert to his role of Chair and dodge the question by Browne. Browne reminded Moore he was not the chair at this point--Cherryhomes was the chair--and Moore was a witness in regard to his mother's residency. Browne pressed his question: KNOWING HIS MOTHER'S RESIDENCY WAS BEING CHALLENGED, had Moore brought any evidence of--
"NO!!!" Moore said, interrupting the question.
A motion was brought forth to reject the challenge to Jerry's mother. The motion passed. Moore abstained. And then Moore had to physically get up and walk away, into the kitchen. I wondered if there was going to be another altercation involving Jerry Moore.
As Moore walked away, Jackie Cherryhomes asked in a chipper voice whether Moore would like her to go ahead and deal with the challenge to Mr. Cook? Moore said, yeah, go ahead.
The situation with Elliot Cook was, arguably, more interesting than Jerry's mother. The place where Cook claims to reside is a vacant house, according to Monroe. There is no indication ANY person legally resides there, Monroe said.
At this point, Jackie Cherryhomes gave over the chairmanship to Jerry Moore, because she had additional evidence in regard to Mr. Cook. Despite the fact the house is apparently vacant, there is evidence of a person who DOES live there, a woman who told Mrs. Cherryhomes that sometimes mail comes for Mr. Cook, but she doesn't know him, and he certainly doesn't live there.
In regard to Cook, he had a "gold card" at the caucus but according to Cherryhomes Cook never signed in. There was no absentee letter, no evidence he was on a "green sheet," but there is other evidence to consider: the face there is a statement from a resident who DOES live at the address (albeit a vacant house) who says she gets mail for Mr. Cook, sometimes, but COOK DOESN'T LIVE THERE.
The McKnight crowd was deaf to this evidence about Cook. Maybe the woman at the house wasn't representing, accurately, who SHE was.
Jerry Moore spoke up and tried to compare the situation with Elliot Cook to that of Constance Nompelis. (Moore had reportedly called the phone number of Constance Nompelis more than once, seeking to prove her existence or non-existence. Compare and contrast with REALLY GREAT PICTURES OF CONNIE NOMPELIS recently published on this blog. Does Connie exist? Oh, yeah, Connie exists)
In any case, Moore pointed out Connie was somebody who had JUST RECENTLY purchased a house, and so it was tough to find a record of her.
Kip Browne objected at that point to Connie's name being brought up. There was, Browne said, no challenge to Nompelis, so her name should not be dragged into this kind of a proceeding.
Browne also made the record in regard to another objection: there are two separate processes going on for challenges. The challenges for Samuels are taking place through THIS body (the credentials committee) and the challenges for McKnight are going through a different process. Browne objects to this, for the record.
Meanwhile, at or near this point in the meeting, I was calling the phone number of Mr. Elliot Cook. The number had been said aloud at a public meeting. Well, I wanted to know what the deal was. I got an answering machine, "This is Elliot, leave a message."
Mike Fedor spoke up, emphasizing the SERIOUSNESS of the challenges of Ms. McKnight, which were challenges to the intergrity of Mr. Bushay, who allegedly received the 8 absentee letters.
Jackie Cherryhomes spoke up, saying this matter is not something either Moore or herself should be involved with, given their relationships to the candidates. (She said this in a very offhand way, I thought, considering how Moore was apparently still trying to keep up the story of being "objective" and not affiliated with any campaign) Cherryhomes said, "We are one community, and it's not about one convention, it's not about one race." She was happy to have somebody else sorting through the mess with the McKnight challenges, considering how close and "in the family" this was.
Browne spoke up, reiterating his objections to two separate processes, and (showing evidence of 3 to 4 years of law training teaching him how to argue "on point" instead of in the sloppy, metaphor-heavy manner of laypeople) pointing out this committee had just dealt with a challenge to Jerry Moore's MOTHER, which could hardly be more "in the family," so if that challenge could be resolved here, so could the McKnight challenges.
(Of course, I thought to myself, here on the committee the count breaks down 8-4-1 in favor of Samuels)
At this point, Makeda Zulu-Gillespie spoke up and made an impassioned mini-speech. Makeda reportedly works for the U of M with their much-anticipated UROC project, the one that drags on forever and WHEN are we going to see some results at the former Penn Plymouth Shopping Center? THAT project.
Makeda first outlined the fact she didn't really know much about what was going on, here--not saying this as an apology or a caveat, but trotting out her ignorance with some degree of pride, as though this gave her statement more creditability, somehow--and then said it was "disrespectful" to bring up somebody's mother. She said the "undertone here is getting on my nerves," as though her nervous inability to tolerate substantive political debate was a valid reason for individuals to refrain from such debate. In summary, she reiterated once again that she knows NOTHING about what is going on, really.
After this speech, a few of the McKnight supporters nodded, one saying, "THAT'S right."
The fun part of the meeting was now over. The issue was dealt with of who would staff the table at the convention. At the end of the meeting, Jerry Moore opened up the meeting to questions and comments from the guests. I took the opportunity to ask Mike Fedor about the precise nature of the "serious" challenges by McKnight.
Fedor said this was essentially a "he said, she said" situation. Letters can be delivered to the precinct caucus by those who can't attend but wish to be considered. Ms. McKnight (contends that she) gave 8 letters to Bushay, but the letters never got there.
I followed up, asking how the letters were delivered? Were they mailed? Sent as an attachment to an email? Hand delivered?
Fedor said the letters were hand delivered.
I tried to clarify if that meant ACTUALLY PLACED IN THE HANDS OF MR. BUSHAY. (After all, the chair himself had debated, early in the meeting, the meaning of "hand delivered.")
At or near this point, Jackie Cherryhomes jumped in and cut off the questions. Well, at least MY questions.
One of the other audience members--an old woman in a wheelchair--was apparently one of the 8 names in those letters. She had the exact same question I did about what was up with those 8 names. Her question didn't get anywhere, either.
Don Allen of IBNN asked a question about "what is the process to be a committee chair?" Don's public feud with Jerry Moore is fairly well-known. It was clear the question was aimed squarely at Jerry Moore. The answer, whatever it was, wasn't as exciting as the question.
All in all, it was a pretty hot and uncomfortable night for Jerry Moore. But it was over, and the meeting concluded as it began, with the ritual putting away of chairs.
Out in the parking lot, I tried to follow up with my question to Mike Fedor. I related something I'd been told by one of my sources about the character of Mr. Bushay: that Bushay is so honest, so committed to the integrity of public process that "he'd declare a pack of gum to Customs, he'd declare a ripped-in-half dollar bill to the IRS." If Bushay had been given 8 letters in the proper way, he'd have done what he was supposed to do. Any comment?
Fedor had nothing to say to this. He shrugged, elaborately.
Later in the night I sought additional sources of information. I was told the 8 letters were (allegedly) ORIGINALS, and NO COPIES WERE (allegedly) MADE. And then these oh-so-original and uncopied letters just DISAPPEARED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH after supposedly being handed to Mr. Bushay.
"He said, she said" indeed. Much depends on the creditability and motivations of the "he" and the "she."
Below this blog post you will find an open and anonymous forum. Feel free to spill your guts.
Interesting happenings - please keep us posted.
Not only is IBNN guy's public fued with Moore well documented, but Moore's public fued with Samuels is well documented. With rumors being that Jerry himself was going to run for council, up until he started a fist fight against community neighbors.
it will be a blow out - Samuels over McKnight - unless all this messy business that is going on gets squashed and McKnight uses that as an excuse to continue to run with out endorsement or moves the body to go with no endorsement, but my opinion is the cheating or illegitimate stuff will come to surface.
Oh a little clarificaiton regarding Heritage Park neighborhood - the public housing high rises were there, alot of them, I am not sure, then the legal aid helped organize a tenant rebellion or whatever, and they filed suit against city, state and HUD for concentration of poverty. And in the settlement of the law suit is how the high rises were ordered to be demolished, and a new 'mixed income' housing development rebuilt - and many many other requirements. Google it - I think it's called the Hollman Decree - not sure how to spell Hollman, or Holloman or something. lots of reading material there.
apparently this blog strongly supports Samuels and has a very limited point of veiw that doesn't serve the majority of the population in North Mpls. I feel sorry for people who use this blog as a way to develop veiws on this process. the contenant is very bias and short of wisdom and knowledge. But oh well we all have a job to do and I guess your job here is to make Samuels look innocent or as the better candidate so proceed an please, i mean please continue to great work.
did someone say that these so called Northside Machine people such as herryhomes, Linda Higgens and her boyfriend have been playing these games for years?
wow, game time is up
I call 'em as I see 'em. I also try to create a forum for substantive comments, including yours.
Though proper capitalization may be going the way of the dodo bird in internet forums, I won't stand silently by and allow somebody to call me "bias."
The correct way of accusing me would be to say I am "BIASED." Not "bias."
Also, if it's my "job" to do this, that or the other thing, I sure wish somebody were paying me for that "job."
To the most recent anonymous poster: I always laugh at folks who make consistent spelling and grammatical errors while criticizing others' supposed lack of intelligence. If you want to be taken seriously, I strongly suggest proofreading your "contenant" before posting it.
I'm also going out on a limb here and guessing that you view Insight News as not being "bias" when it comes to Don Samuels.
yeah Johnny, your contenant is bias!
(did you even know you had a contenant?)
But seriously, I am interested in hearing more from the anonymous commenter about making Samuels look innocent or whatever.
Serious question: Is there something that Samuels has to hide? If there is, we should know about it, and I know I am interested in reading more aobut it.
And again a serious question, what is it about Don Samuels, his voting record, his leadership, stance on issues or what - why does anyone (or someone) want to challenge him - I am not asking rhetorically I am asking serious, please inform me of why he is NOT the best choice to continue to be
5th ward council member.
Again, you have the oppurtunity to inform and persuade lots of people so I am really interested in seeing a productive discussion around this topic.
You know, this makes me happy that I am going to be moving into the area. East St Paul never gets this much excitement.
Are there any actual debates scheduled between the candidates?
I am sure there will be debates, but I'm not sure exactly when those will be. But the question is out there and hopefully somebody who knows will answer it. I'll drop a dime on somebody...
I'm not aware of any debates scheduled at this time, I think the first main check point is the DFL convention which will be Sat March 28th at North Commons Park at 10am. There will be a Q&A period for the candidates there.
I'll pass on any debate info when it becomes available.
When Ben & Jerry are associated with anyone or anything the big RED flag goes up! Last time around Jerry was a die hard Green Party, now a DFL insider? "DANGER, DANGER, DANGER" Where did all the JACC money go? When does the organization get their files and computers back? Why didn't Ben & Jerry respond to all the grievances against them at JACC? Especially the one about how Mr. Moore slithered into JACC in 2005?
"Bias" or just that some folks recognize other folks by their actions? Mr. "I'm a true blue perfect citizen" Ben, How about paying those 2007 & 2008 city and county taxes?
Compare this blog post with this article, linked here.
Read, in particular, the part about Jerry's residency and his ejection from a DFL organization as a result of (allegedly) lying about his residency.
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