Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stripping Hardwood Floors In North Minneapolis (PHOTOS)

Photos by John Hoff, top to bottom: 

Connie changing a sandpaper disc on the edger, Connie running the edger, cheap Chinese-made hammer suitable for pounding nails, but not for pulling them.

Connie with the bag of sawdust; so much sawdust the room must have been bigger after sanding. 

A "before and after" area of the floor. Thresholds always seem to be especially tough with staples and, sometimes, linoleum glue. 

Connie changing the roller on the "big boy" sander; the big sander is actually a lot less difficult to change than the little one. 

Next, look at Connie's arms. After Connie worked on the floors all day, Connie's roommate was jealous of Connie's toned arms. The next picture shows all the dust in Connie's hair, producing a momentary vision of young Connie as an old woman...who still looks good, by the way.

Incredibly, Connie did all this sanding in two-inch heels. Very seldom was so much honest work done in two-inch heels. 

Next, my hand holding the .22 caliber high-velocity round I found near the edge board in the closet. Also found: wheat pennies and marijuana seeds. 

Connie "settling up" at Pete's Hardwood Floors in St. Paul. As you can see, she washed her hair. 

The last picture shows the t-shirts sold at Pete's. I am looking forward to the free t-shirt I've been promised for submitting photos and a narrative! 

(Do not click "

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