Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jordan Pond Is Perfect For Dog Walking... (Summer Visitation 2009)

Photos By John Hoff

After five weeks of summer visitation in NoMi, my son Alex needs to go back to his mother tomorrow.

Not all of our father/son activities have been as exciting as watching a heavily-armed police raid go down right in front of us, click here. Frequently, we take my friend's dog for walks around the Jordan Pond. This scenic part of the Jordan Neighborhood is almost paradise, except for the whorehouse at 2700 Morgan Ave. N.

But everybody--including police and public officials--are working on that issue. In the meantime, when walking around the neighborhood it's great to have a large Rottweiler mix along for the stroll.

(Do not click "Read More")


veg*nation said...

ok, where IS jordan pond, exactly? it looks like it has some great native landscaping!

Johnny Northside said...

Go to 27th and Logan, and you'll see it!

Ranty said...

It's a hidden treasure.
