Level Three Sex Offender and former "Golden Chicken" manager Peter "Spanky Pete" Richard Stephenson, a/k/a Peter Rickmyer, who has been sitting in jail since about March 10 for trying to slap legal paper on this blog contrary to a judicial order finding him a "frivolous litigant," was scheduled to have a "show cause" hearing this morning at 9 a.m. "Show cause" means Peter should explain why he should NOT be held in contempt of court.
However, the hearing did not take place. At about 9 a.m. the judge's clerk...
...appeared to the nearly-empty court room and announced the hearing was cancelled. Rescheduling was unknown.
Shortly after the clerk made the announcement and left the court room, the scary-looking lady from the Mpls Mirror entered the court room minutes late and a dollar short, surprise surprise. My source at the court room didn't bother to inform the Mirror lady what happened, but let her sit there in the empty court and possibly figure it out. Or not.
Attorney Jill Clark, who represents disgraced former JACC Executive Director Jerry Moore in Moore v. Hoff, and is now representing the equally unsavory Level Three Sex Offender Peter Rickmyer, has filed a flurry of paper which accuses the judge of being less than objective and fair, of making ex parte communications, and seemingly tries to insinuate the show cause hearing is criminal rather than civil. PDF copies of these documents are floating around in emails and I received a copy, who knows where they came from. Here is a link to all three documents on the JNS blog PDF support site.
I find wry amusement in my blog pages being presented as exhibits, including the stock photo of sheet music for "Put My Rubber Doll Away." Dearest readers, I want you to know I have tried to find video of this song online. The closest I've come is an instrumental version that doesn't include the words. I'm unhappy about this. I may have to put the sheet music in the hands of somebody musical and put something on YouTube.
But I digress. Where was I? Oh, yes, Rickmyer might go back to prison.
Tomorrow, possibly at 11 a.m. (unconfirmed) Rickmyer has a parole revocation hearing at the Public Safety Building. Multiple reliable sources tell me the hearing is closed.
At some abstract, Civics 101 level I care about why a hearing to take away a man's freedom should be closed to the public and the press, but I have other issues to get worked up about, like making sure there are no aluminum cans in my trash which could be redeemed by crackheads to buy crack.
I have a source who promises to inform me about the outcome of the hearing. Stay tuned.
Jill Clark is now representing Spanky Pete!!!???!!!!
Neighborhood leaders are all like, WTF!!!!!!!
(I'm a neighborhood leader and I'm all like, WTF????)
I think Jill secretly LOVES you and this is her way of showing it.
Holy shit storm batman!
Ok, Jill Clark filed a motion to remove the judge FOR CAUSE. That is bold accusation, even for her. Of course, there was no date or time, or for the motion, or the name of the Judge who would hear the motion for that matter, other than Judge Blaeser, but hey, she signed it.
Then, I like how she wants to limit her appearance to object to the judge’s jurisdiction, authority, etc, etc, bla, bla bla. This is a civil matter, so did she file a letter of representation? And what’s with the redacted chrono? I mean, if you gonna tell, then tell it all. Preferably on a mountain top. The Exhibit B thing is just par for the course of the strange obsession with Johnny Northside, right?
Exhibit C is weird. What is it? A pleading? An exhibit? Why is it attached to an affidavit from a secretary? I do like the switch-er-roo she does. You see, this is a civil case, but she says, and I am paraphrasing, NA AH. It’s criminal not civil, so you can’t be judge, jury and executioner. If you do, I’m going to the court of appeals to tell on you.
As for the memo, it full of nonsense. She claims the judge had ex-parte communication with the probation officer, which made the judge bias. But, remember folks, this was a civil case, and the probation officer was not a party to the case, so I don’t know where she thinks this is going to get her. Anyhoo, it plays into the false idea that this hearing was a criminal matter, when it is not. Lots of citing to criminal rules etc. Case law that really isn’t relevant.
Then, the typical stuff: Let’s see. Delay. Delay again, and more delay. Accusations of judge [usually it’s opposing counsel] of being unethical. Citing to grandiose statements of fair trial, when this is not a matter that would have a trial. Citing to federal circuit cases that do not have authority (2nd, 7th, and 8th), in sort of first year case briefing format.
Then, the most risky move of all, the series of references to the judicial cannons. Of my favorite, is the accusation/ implication that the judge is the one doing the harassment (talk about twisting the truth).
What?? A citation to the Oregon Supreme Court? Come on, stretch that argument.
Like I said, holy shit storm batman! This is just got ugly.
I'm a neighborhood leader and I think that even those who are least desirable in our community have a right to redres in the court system and representation.
I think they have a right to representation and redress as well.
And then, after being represented, I think "Spanky Pete" should go back to prison.
To the commenter at 5:22 PM:
I saved all the notes she passed me, like CAN HE STOP CLACKING ON THE KEYBOARD?
It is true we all deserve representation even when we eat kennel ration. The mentally deranged entity called spanky pete will be suing the warden with impunity. Running amok in his bloomers through the hallowed halls of Moose Lake or St. Peters will bring a refreshing change to the concrete jungle where he likes to spank booty. We all wish you hell, pete.
Oh, they have a right to representation, but it doesn't mean we can't gawk at the crazy show that takes place when so called neighborhood leaders and misfits like Spanky Pete use the court system as a political weapon. And it has nothing to do with Johnny Northside. They were doing this crap long before he arrived.
-failed defamation against 3 neighbors
-an email from chair of board saying it's time to sue neighbors
-failed harassment restraining order against a board member
-multiple failed court proceedings against entire neighborhood organization
-Spanky Pete sues the world, 3 times over, plus the tupperware lady
-wellknown nutcase pushes elected official then sues him for assualt
(get my drift)
So yeah, we can gawk at the pathetic spectable.
gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk !
*slows down and pulls over to the shoulder of the internet superhighway to gawk responsibly*
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