It happened about 9 PM on Sunday, March 13. Attracted to strobing police lights like a moth to flame, I got out of the vehicle I was riding in and walked over with my cheap little pawnshop camera. The camera (as is becoming increasingly apparent to me) has lousy audio abilities.
On 26th Ave. N., between Knox and Logan, very near the Jordan Community Garden, the police had two suspects in custody; black males between 18 and 25. They were driving a red, four-door Buick. Based on my analysis of still pics shot at the scene, the license plate appears to be 548 DXE. (The photo above is not the only photo I took of the plate, but figuring out the plate number was a bit of a puzzle) This blog does not yet have the resources or capacity to "run the plate" and is in the midst of a legal attack which is trying to shut down this blog. See PayPal button. Over there------>
Very early in the video I was told to back up, the police were dealing with suspects who had a gun. A search of the suspects was not yet completed at that point and the suspects were not yet handcuffed. I did exactly as told by the police and backed up a bit.
The suspect who is closer to where I positioned myself and my camera had something in his sock. He tried to make a verbal claim that it was "bunk" dope, not...
...the good stuff or the bad stuff, depending on your perspective. In the midst of this madness, police led out a five-year-old boy named "Tre." (Tre told the officers his age, it is assumed Tre told the truth)
The suspect closest to the camera made efforts to provide a phone number to the police, apparently trying to make sure Tre's mother got word her son had fallen into police custody because she'd made the mistake of leaving him in the keeping of two no-account dirt bags.
At no time did I witness any of the suspects resist the police, nor did I see the police do anything to brutalize or humiliate the suspects. Indeed, the officer was quite kind about making sure the suspect got his shoe back on in the cold, slushy street, after the officer found the alleged drugs hidden in the sock.
Unknown if the car was towed, I didn't stick around. I assume it was.
By analyzing the jailhouse roster for March 13 after 9 PM, it is possible to figure out who these suspects MIGHT be but I am unable to confirm who they actually are.
THIS BLOG GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES $150 worth of donations, from three different people, to give us support as we fight for our right to free speech in the face of sustained legal attacks.
Troll comment ignored. Thanks for playing. We have some nice parting gifts for you, including Turtle Wax.
Troll comment ignored. Again.
The videos you have posted about The" Suspected Drugs, Gun, And A Five-Year-Old Boy Named "Tre" is a good example about the cause of using drugs.
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