While writing my previous story about Peter "Spanky Pete" Rickmyer, (who also goes by Peter Richard Stephenson because, um, well it's complicated but suffice to say the man has somehow found opportunities to get away with using another name) I was linking to Peter's special little portion of the the State Department of Corrections website when I noticed...
Oh, my word. "Spanky Pete" has a hot new look.
Or does he? The top photo bears the notation "11/04." Is that November of 2004? Or (it seems more likely) some date has been truncated and digits are missing. No matter. The fact is this image is pretty close to the way "The Spank-i-nator" looks right now. Like many of these professional sex creeps, he's known to change his appearance with facial hair, or a bald "Mr. Clean" look, a bizarre white fedora, or whatever rocks his boat. It's tough to keep up with Rickmyer's changes of appearance but, to their credit, the DOC has updated Rickmyer's image a few times on their website. Off the top of my tired head, I can't recall so much as one other instance of a "Level Three" mug shot getting an update, and some of them clearly need to be updated since they're blurry in the first place.
With more Level Three sex offenders in our neighborhood than any other part of the state, I think residents of North Minneapolis bear a large burden and certainly have a right to updated and accurate sex offender images. As for Spanky Pete, as of this moment he has no court hearing set but just seems to be rotting away in the hoosegow. At least he can (parody font) take comfort in the fact that every time he changes his appearance and DOC posts a new photo, the old photo is still somewhere on this blog.
I close this topic with my usual annoying public begging to any source who can provide me a list of the current addresses of all Level Three sex offenders in North Minneapolis, which I will not hesitate to publish. Oh, and the usual grating musical homage to Spanky Pete, click here for Bloodhound Gang.
(Do Not Click Read More)
You seem to take great pleasure in posting this information.
This just proves the statement that you are a malicious predator who gets pleasure and satisfaction from the hurt, harm, and misery you cause others. You have no ethics and no conscience.
Okay class, one more time...his last name is not Rickmyer. His SISTERS last name is Rickmyer due to the fact that she married a guy whose last name is Rickmyer. How he came about to acquire the name and be allowed to use it is a mystery and you must ask his sister, see. It is Stephenson and any legal documents that he has tried to push on John, or anybody else, should be scrutinized to see if he is consistently breaking the law or any other kind of illegal activity has been perpetrated by this well known pervert under his self given last name. The ghost of Booger-man Bob will haunt you for eternity. So will anyone whose name is Rick Myer..fucking liar. The countdown to permanent L-7 incarceration is underway. Good Day.
You can search for level 3 sex offenders by zip code here:
Whoops. You lost. $60 grand is a small price for the freedom to be an idiot.
Ha! You lost, too bad for Jerry Moore you are judgement proof. Well that's one, lets bring up the next and next. You'll be in court for years.
Boathead, if what you say is true/
I'm not saying I doubt you/
But if what you say is the truth/
What is the sister's name? Ruth?
Also, I looked everywhere
Because I really, truly care
I looked over the jail rosters
Looking for alleged molesters
And for the brother of Spanky Pete
But I can't find clues. I repeat:
I can't find clues, what's his name?
Is it Stephenson? Like Pete's? The same?
The Boat cruises smoothly, out of the dark; echoes a name, and the name is Mark. I prefer to leave the sister alone from here on out. I will tell you that the pervert that was branded peter at birth has no claims on the Rickmyer name and,again, should be taken to task for using the name and filing any kind of documents... unless he is signing the one that allows him to be beaten by the teeming masses. Take a number. P.S.- Mark and Pete are Stephensens complete(ly). I also promise to give up the rhyme time shit(maybe!)Good Day.
I found this on the current jail roster.
Is this the same guy you are referencing?
Booking Number: 2011006665
Date of Birth: 12/24/1961
Sheriff's Custody: IN CUSTODY . .
Housing Location: MINNEAPOLIS CITY HALL Address
Received Date/Time: 3/15/2011.. 02:40
Case/Count Description of Charge Charged By Reason for Arrest Severity of Charge State of Charge Bail Information Court Appearance Date/Time Court Appearance Location
In response to the first poster who said I "seem to take great pleasure in posting this information."
Great pleasure? In the fact my neighborhood is drowning in sex offenders though we are supposed to have laws that protect us? That they change their appearance? That DOC barely manages to keep its website updated with pictures reflecting the current appearance of the scumoidal scumbags?
Where, pray tell, is my "great pleasure?"
Just because it causes YOU distress doesn't mean it causes ME great pleasure.
Your guess is correct, SIR! Now drop and give me twenty push-ups for the hell of it. Good work, John, I hadn't gotten around to doing my once or twice a week search to see who might be in the hoosegow. Irony is appropriate along with the notion that the purpose of punishment is to reestablish justice in the Universe.I am a Universalist who agrees with the natural forces of retribution and the uncanny ability to patiently wait for Karma to kick serious ass. I will, depite my procrastinating nature, continue to help where i can and to pick it up a notch this spring and summer and at least 120 more seasons in this beatiful state.I think that's 30 years. I think too much. Good Day.
I went to the guy's hearing. I see no family resemblance at all. Is this a case of a "brother by another mother" or what?
From the DOC website. So why all the fuss about Johnny not getting his name correct?
BTW, you remind me of an early Michael Moore. What is the status of your movie?
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