Word reaches me that on March 10, 2011, North Minneapolis Slumlord Keith Reitman was notified of his removal from the board of directors of the Jordan Area Community Council (JACC) in an email worded as follows...
The March meeting of the Jordan Area Community Council was held last night, March 9th. Upon the conclusion of that meeting, you had missed 5 board meetings within a 12 month period. Within the current bylaws, anyone missing 5 meetings throughout the year, excused or otherwise, automatically becomes vacant.
I thank you for your service to JACC.
Lynn Riskedal
JACC Board Chair"
JNS blog says: I suspect there are many in Jordan who DO NOT thank Keith Reitman for his "service" and would say something like, "Good riddance," but that's why Lynn is a board chair and I'm a blogger.
Well at least he was removed per existing rules, not new ones that exclude people.
You state that with such pleasure and pride. Apparently it's true.
You thrive on the hurt and misery of others.
He missed 5 meetings, apparently he really didn't care about serving. I'm sure he really doesn't care about loosing his seat, as much as you wallow in the pleasure of the news.
You need serious mental health support.
I think some of those meetings he missed because he was dodging service in the civil suit over 1564 Hillside Ave. N.
To Anon: at 7:45 PM perhaps you would like to amplify on the "new ones that exclude people"?
Please be specific.
We await your clear and definitive response for further discussion.
Some folks like Keith, some do not, no different than most anyone. The intensity between JNS and Keith may however be a little over the top.
I believe the new ones require you "live" in Jordan vs just owning property or a business. I think if you own property in Jordan you should be able to server on a board and have a vote. I think the new bylaws passed however exempt those who do not live in Jordan even if they have a property interest.
Why is Kip giving you photos and board emails so yu can slam a community member. Thats not very professional.
Uh oh, we got the "looser" on here again.
I think the ones that always claim you need mental health support, John, are the ones that are hearing that same thing from their own relatives. Projection at its finest.
Reitmann was removed from the WBC board (2008 or 2009). I don't remember the particulars except that it wasn't for missing meetings. He was always playing the "devil's advocate" and even brought Johnny Alexander in to ask the WBC to support him through his troubles with the City at his bar. If I had ever a sliver of hope that he had at least a little decency about him, that sealed the deal.
You make too much over a typo.
1) Read the message and absorb it's meaning.
2) Get a life.
And we should point out that JNS/John Hoff is not a member of JACC, does not live in the Jordan neighborhood, and can't vote at their meetings, and really has no say on what goes on at JACC.
If Keith Reitman cared about being respectful to the community, he would just resigned instead of having himself kicked off the board.
He did not loose his seat.
The email says it. He missed three meetings and automatically became vacant.
So what was his involvement in 1564Hillside? Did he scam someone or gouge someone? Was he a flipper? How bout some basic details!
1.) As for where I got the photos and emails, they were floating around, as you know. They went out far and wide. So where I got them is, well, I'm not saying. Whatever. Think what you like.
2.) The Johnny Alexander references the former "Johnny A's" bar. This blog has a photo of Johnny A and some of his side of the story, if anybody wants to go back and look at that old post. I frankly don't know any other blog or even mainstream media story that has a photo of John Alexander himself, but feel free to correct me and post a link if anybody knows otherwise.
3.) The person who said "you make too much over a typo" used the wrong form of "its." What am I always preaching about the possessive form of "its" versus the contraction. You know who consistently makes that mistake? Don "Poopgate" Allen.
4.) It's true I don't live in Jordan (note the correct form of "it's") but I think I do have some influence in Jordan.
5.) Regarding 1564 Hillside Ave. N., Reitman was the seller in that fraudulent deal and made a pile of money. The victims of the fraud--John Foster and Melony Michaels--have attempted to sue Keith Reitman. However, Reitman has been dodging service.
Once he even promised to show up at a particular place and time and didn't, jerking the plaintiff around. Reitman is NOT a man of his word.
6. The dumb-as-all-get-out anonymous commenter comes back and uses "loose" incorrectly AGAIN. Hey. Consult a dictionary on the distinction between "loose" and "lose."
I like the empty chair. It's symbolic of the empty lot at 1564 Hillside Avenue North.
Yeah, and Reitman had a lot to do with both.
Are you seriously accusing Reitman of dodging being served? Is that your opinion or a fact? By the way, when is your book about "How to Avoid Being Served" coming out?
The color of your house (yellow) suits you well. It matches the stripe on your back.
Yes, I'm accusing Reitman of dodging being served. I never said it was ILLEGAL.
Obviously, it's not.
And, in the case of somebody the courts ultimately declare to be a frivolous litigant, (Peter "Spanky Pete" Rickmyer a/k/a Peter Richard Stephenson) dodging service might be looked upon as a civic duty.
To Anon 10:19 PM,
Given your belief that if you own property you should get the vote, ergo; If 12 Landlords owned property in each of the 72 city neighborhoods you are OK with the possibility that 12 landlords could run all 72 of the city community organizations? ergo; if you live in Minnesota but have property in Wisconsin and South Dakota none in Minnesota you should be able to vote in all 3 states?
They can serve him by putting it in Finance and Commerce. It's called "service by publication".
Yeah, and don't I wish the lawyer who has that case would actually do something zealous for his clients.
Oops. Did I just criticize that lawyer for not being zealous for his clients? Without actually naming him or the law firm.
Plenty more where THAT came from.
Posted under this article for no particular reason:
Statements which are intended to cause harm are not protected - and may cost you $60,000...Kind of like your headline which tends to indicate some type of misconduct on Reitman's part, when none exists.
He was booted off. And the reasons why are stated in the email.
You have some seriously creepy trolls on your blog. Really, the color of your house? Hello stalkers! And a good ole tip of the hat to the neighborhood association for kicking off the service-dogging slumlord. How did this guy get elected anyway? On the “keep it ghetto” ticket?
Seriously creepy is right! Let's look at some of the people who hate my blog, an all star cast of creepazoidal creepsters...
1. Jim Watkins, the self-described "best friend" of convicted TJ Waconia fraudster Thomas Balko. Balko is currently in prison. All the way from Texas, Jim just won't let it go and move on with his life.
2. Don Allen, public porno-phile, involved in stealing a checkbook from a bedridden vet at the VA center, whose company was raided by the Secret Service as part of investigations into a Ponzi scheme. Also involved in Poopgate.
3. Peter Rickmyer, a/k/a "Spanky Pete," Level Three sex offender, currently cooling his heels in jail for trying to slap a "pseudo lawsuit" on this blog. His contempt of court hearing will be tomorrow at 9 a.m., court room of Judge Robert Blaeser. I fully expect Pete to go back to prison for harassing this blog. However, the other creeps just don't seem to take note and, well, I think they're going to throw Creepy Pete under the bus.
4. Paul Koenig, described by City Pages as the "one man housing crisis." Hey, I hear the man has a horse racing today named Mambo Whip (or something like that). I say good luck! To all the other horses.
5. Jerry Moore, disgraced former executive director of JACC. Remember: Specific and repeated evidence in Hennepin County District Court shows Jerry Moore was involved with a high-profile, fraudulent mortgage at 1564 Hillside Ave. N. And a 7 person jury weighed the truth of THAT SENTENCE, so feel free to put it on a t-shirt, coffee cup, a sign at a DFL convention, whatever.
6. Keith Reitman, slumlord extraordinaire. Attempts are being made to sue him over the fraud at 1564 Hillside Ave. N. but Reitman can be VERY hard to find.
7. Did I leave anybody out? I'm sure I left a LOT of people out. Some people (and their blogs) are too insignificant to merit a mention.
A man can be measured by his enemies. I am proud to say this blog is the enemy of slumlords, Level Three sex offenders, mortgage fraudsters, and criminals of ever sort.
As for my house being "yellow," that's the color of the siding. I believe, beneath the siding, it is as white as the robes of angels.
"As for my house being "yellow," that's the color of the siding. I believe, beneath the siding, it is as white as the robes of angels."
Also, as white as the cocaine you must snort in order to come up with such drivel.
Have you EVER accepted responsibility for anything you have been accused of?
Oh, to the people who know me that is screamingly funny.
Or white as the snow. We are, after all, in Minnesota!???!
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