Monday, July 6, 2009

PPL's Rehab Project In The Hawthorne Eco Village...

Stock Photo By John Hoff

Kevin Gulden of PPL (pictured above, in the middle) asked me to spread the word about 3023 4th St. N., a house in the Eco Village which PPL is going to renovate and then turn into an owner-occupied property.

To learn all about the property, just click here and check out PPL's brochure on the Johnny Northside PDF support website.

In addition, PPL is planning some open meetings to solicit input about the design of the Eco Village. Click here for yet another informative brochure about that, supported on the same website.

By the way, the request for publicity was made at a meeting of the Hawthorne Housing Committee (where I am the secretary) and along with the request came a worry, voiced aloud, that my blog would be "shut down."

To this I replied...

"They'll shut down my blog when they pry the password from my cold, dead brain."

OK, actually I said "cold, dead fingers." But then, later, I thought of a better reply and so I'm taking the liberty of publishing the superior motto.

There is a vital debate taking place about whether North Minneapolis could turn into "Non-Profitsville" and whether this is desirable, click here. However, I've only had good experiences with PPL and I say anything is better than another house in the hands of a slumlord.

Oh, and speaking of slumlords...well, just wait for the next post.


JNS Reader said...

Johnny, could you please talk to Jeff about those shirts...

Jeff Skrenes said...

There's more where that one came from!