Sunday, August 3, 2008

Drug Dealers Evicted At 3033 4th St. N. (Also Known As Scribner's House)

Photo by John Hoff

Low-income housing landlord Phil Kleindl didn't like hearing about the drug-dealing taking place at 3033 6th St. N. and threw out all the tenants who were dealing at the intersection of 4th St. N. and 31st Ave. N., usually right from the porch pictured above.

When Phil told me this, I said, "What about the woman in the pink outfit with the white cap? I saw her there a few days ago." Phil said, "She was just getting the very last of the (expletive)." Now the place does indeed appear empty, and it's quite an improvement.

I told my neighbor, Patty Cake, "You see? Phil isn't all bad." Patty can't remember his name and so insists on calling him "Clydesdale." I tell her, "No, don't call him that. It's like the spirit of the horse stables haunting this place all over again."

Need I remind people about Evil Pink Pony?

(Do not click "Read More")

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