Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mess Left Behind At The Apartment Complex Of Anarchy (Photo Three)

Photo by John Hoff

Evil Pink Pony goes around the building in a big circle. He goes around and around, using his Pink Pony magic. First he makes a star. Then he makes a big circle. He sings a happy horsey tune.

I'm a pink pony, short and stout/
Money comes in, crack goes out/
Don't tell anybody what we do/
Or we'll get beaten by the Man in Blue

Pink Pony looks around for little children who will come over to play and sing the magical money crack tune.

But shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Don't tell any big people about your special friend Pink Pony, he tells the little children. Don't ever tell them how money will appear from the magical crack, money to buy anything you could ever want!

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