Thursday, July 16, 2009

Another Sheriff's Department Raid On 2223 Bryant Ave. N.

Photo By John Hoff, Saved From Police Censorship Attempt Under Color Of Law

At about 9:15 a.m. today, more than a dozen members of the Hennepin County Sheriff's Department were observed to raid 2223 Bryant Ave. N., a rental property owned by an absentee landlord who lives in Littleton, Colorado.

Seven or eight officers broke down the front door while dressed in bulletproof vests and Kevlar helmets. A loud explosion was heard immediately upon their entry, presumably a "flash bang" grenade. One of the officers was holding what appeared to be a shield. I observed at least one officer armed with what I was able to identify as a Colt AR-15, the civilian version of the M-16.

As exclusively reported on this blog, 2223 Bryant Ave. N. was previously raided on... December. Click here for more details, and also click here.

Today, officers were not observed to bring out any evidence or arrest any individuals at the property. 

My son Alex, age 12, witnessed the raid from start to completion and thought it was REALLY REALLY COOL.

I would, however, like to note that once again this blogger was the subject of an intimidating demand by an armed police officer to delete photos taken from a vantage point on a public street, click here for previous incident. This time, because the photos were of more value (like the one above) I refused to delete the photos, stood my ground, and offered up the name of the attorney who defends my First Amendment rights: Al Goins.

Out of voluntary consideration of a request by the officers, I am not publishing any photos with clearly identifiable faces or undercover vehicles. The vehicle in the foreground of the photo above did not belong to the officers.


Routine violations of the First and Fourth Amendment directed at blogger journalists and/or ordinary citizens appear to be a common practice in Minneapolis by both MPD (in the Fourth Precinct) and now the Hennepin County Sheriff's Department. It would appear that some high-ranking public official needs to sit down and have a long, heart-to-heart talk with MPD and the Sheriff's Department about the right of citizens to photograph police activity from vantage points on public property without being ordered to delete photos.

Part of this discussion might include the finely-tuned distinctions between the United States and (expletive) Communist China.


Anonymous said...

wish i could have enjoyed the kevlar man pagaent....

Johnny Northside said...

I may have issues with their sloppy First Amendment issues, but their Kevlar-clad hotness was never in question. I wish several of my female NoMi friends could have been present to watch.

Jordan Neighbor said...

I'm still amazed at your magnet like quality that puts you in the middle of


Johnny Northside said...

I often struggle to understand it myself, and have only come up with explanations which rely upon the supernatural.

Johnny Northside said...

One comment rejected which references my son.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the First and Fourth Amendment rights: I know that one can look at it from the constitutional perspective and insist the blogger (or any member of the public) has the right to publish photos obtained on a public street. However, in cases like this I think it becomes a question of what side one wants to support/help.

If police are doing what we want them to do (trying to rid the neighborhood of crime), it makes no sense for us to publish photos that make it more difficult, or even impossible, for them to do their job. In this case (for me), it's not about constitutional right as much as "what side am I on? crime or safety?"

Thank you for restraining yourself here and not endangering the safety of the officers (by publishing photos of undercover cops/vehicles) and thus creating a better North Minneapolis for all of us.

Anonymous said...

WOW!..this is really funny!..DON'T flatter yourself this isn't a compliement But however what do you do??? DO you just sit around a report and write and talk to yourself about what you should write??..It's seems that you don't get the rest of the story, and how do you know that this is is rented??...If this is another raid AS you have stated why haven't they moved. Obviously it's not..ALSO why would you expose your son to something like a police raid???Im just asking do yo ask yourself questions before you report "INFO".I have a suggestion: ASK the people involved, you'll probably get correct info. It's plain to see your scared to. that's part of being a reporter asking who is involved. But you Don't so......

I don't think that it is right to have a picture of this house if NO ONE has been charged, You must've lucked up this time.

WELL keep dping what you do..It's what bring happyness to you obvious SAD SAD SAD life. GOOD DAY

Johnny Northside said...

The fact this property is a rental property is a matter of record. There is a rental license on file and the owner is registered, too, a guy who lives in Littleton, Colorado.

Do you have something to add?

Anonymous said...

Dear Johnny Northside, you obviously like putting people business on the internt, but for some odd reason you never display yours? Hmmm... well pretty soon yours will be on display so just watch for it, and pictures and all.