Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Get Yer "Huggable North" Images RIGHT HERE!!!!

Images Contributed By Collier White

Collier White--who came up with a grassroots "Huggable North Minneapolis" branding effort--sent me these images to share and said he welcomed more "lively discussions" about his marketing idea. (Which, for the effort, I consider more of a prank-like stunt than an actual marketing effort)

But I certainly do agree with that whole Uptown Is For Sissies idea. However, even if Uptown weren't for sissies--which it is--North Minneapolis is ultra-affordable, funky, and greener by the minute.

Uptown is just WAY TOO EXPENSIVE. Yeah, it's a fun place to go, but who can afford to live there? Get yourself a house in NoMi, I say, and if you want to party all the time in Uptown, well, I won't judge you.

(Do not click "Read More")


Unknown said...

Any good apartments? What's the story there. What's the demographic? Is it "HIP" (Maybe Too Much)?

Jack Human said...

So, "expensive" means "sissy?" Or is there a REAL criteria that makes you agree with slogan?