Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An "Acknowledgement Of Power" At 3020 6th St. N.

Me At 3020 6th St. N., Photo By Peter Teachout, Chair, Hawthorne Neighborhood

Peter Teachout, Chair of the Hawthorne Neighborhood, related an interesting anecdote today about 3020 6th St. N., the infamous druggie house den of iniquity now vacant and boarded in the middle of the "Eco Village" cluster project.

Today, the guy known as "Tony" or "The Sentry" who was a constant presence at the front door of the house, letting (apparent) drug traffic in and out, la-dee-da walked up to Peter Teachout's front door and rang the bell...

The Sentry--who has a surprisingly gentle and high voice--told Peter he was getting some stuff out of the porch, and requested that Peter PLEASE NOT CALL THE POLICE. Peter agreed not to call the police.

Peter--who was constantly told nothing would ever change in the neighborhood, and people are going to smoke crack SOMEWHERE--saw this interaction as "an acknowledgement of power."

"Did he call you SIR?" was what I wanted to know.

Peter reported no, he did not.

"He should have called you 'sir,' Peter," was all I had to say about it.


Jordan Neighbor said...

Congrats to Teachouts, Hawthorne neighborhood and all involved in this small but giant victory.

Like the tee-shirts at the restaurant said"

Victory never tasted so good.

JeanieHoholik said...

What's up with fists? Nonetheless, I love the new hair!