Wednesday, August 26, 2009

NOMI KICKBALL - Fall League Debut Aug 26th (TODAY!)

Photos by Duane Atter

by Jordan Neighbor
JNS Guest Blogger

Today, dozens of NoMi folks will gather to kick off a new round of NoMi Kickball. Yes, that's right, NoMi has a fledgling kickball league, it's been kicking around for a few months now this summer and after a couple of weeks off the weekly kickball game will kick it into gear again starting today, August 26th. There's a facebook page for the Get To NoMi group and an event invitation within that group. Here are the deets and some images taken by NoMi photographer Duane Atter.


*** NEW LOCATION *** NEW LOCATION ***Come join us for this week's game!

We meet every Wednesday at Creekview Park (Shingle Creek neighborhood) and play a pick-up, authentic, schoolhouse-style game of old-fashioned Kickball! It's a total blast. Skill levels range from competitive to barely awake/sober, but all are welcome and wanted.Anyone 18+ who wants to play, strap on some proper kicks and join us! Children and leashed dogs are ALWAYS WELCOME, as are spectators :)

Evenings always end with a trip to Tootie's On Lowry for burgers and adult beverages. With the new locale, though, we'll revisit our watering hole of choice: we can now throw Victory 44 and Donny Dirk's Zombie Den into the mix.BRING FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS! Spread the word!


(Do not click "Read More" but Do get to Creekview and kick it with your NoMi friends)


veg*nation said...

great photography! those are nice action shots!

Anonymous said...

Hey Johnny we love you here in Virginia. I here your still keeping the "FLOW" ranglin hoodrats and basment bats! hope your boy Alex is enjoying the summer in NOMI. You stil got the shoe thrower car? I heard on the grapevine your on the road agine, eastbound and down. Swing on through Virgnyia and well go giggin and pull some chicken lines. hope your house is a great work in progress, and keep up the hard work in NOMI. Dont do nothin i wouldnt do.

Steamboat was here 8/28/09 and im single for info call johnnynorthside he nows were i reside at.

guynmpls said...

WTF Alex...