State photos, public domain, blog post by John Hoff
So while I wait for the request I made aloud to percolate through the universe--um, that would be my little request for information about the addresses of any and all of the 22 Level Three sex offenders who live in North Minneapolis--I started digging as best I could, by Googling the names one-by-one and hoping an address might turn up easily, I might get a lucky break.
Boy, did I get a lucky break but it didn't involve an address, exactly...
Kirk Douglas Green is a Level Three sex offender who currently resides on the 2300 Block of Sheridan Ave. N. (I don't have a more specific address...yet) At one time, however, he resided at 1806 Upton Ave. N. This property--like so many others--is on a list of properties which have been foreclosed, in this case the foreclosure happened in December 2008.
On January 11, 2008, Kirk signed a consent order to lose his license to originate and service residential mortgages, 1806 Upton Ave. N. was the address he was using. Click here for the consent order.
In searching for the name "Kirk Green," I turned up a hit on...my own blog?
What was THAT, I wondered? I didn't remember off the top of my head when I had written about that name. Looking back, I found Kirk Green named...as one of the players mentioned in the Tynessia Snoddy criminal complaint, click here. Specifically, he was the "owner of the mortgage brokerage America's Lending Group."
Ah, the plot thickens.
But I still don't have his specific address on the 2300 Block of Sheridan Ave. N., ha ha.
What interests me is the date of the consent order: January 11, 2008. I mean, this guy Kirk Douglas Green was apparently convicted quite a while ago, since his Level Three Sex Offender data shows him as "expired from sentence and supervised release." But the date of the consent order is the beginning of January 11, 2008. Which, you know, it really wasn't THAT long ago.
So one can't help but suspect this guy was working as a mortgage broker and registered as a Level Three sex offender AT THE SAME TIME. I can't prove it, but I suspect it strongly given the dates. So, in that case, wouldn't somebody in a supervisory position have to ask themselves, "Huh, how can this guy be working as a mortgage broker? Doesn't that require a clean record?" Or did the system which was supposed to keep track of him just have NO FREAKING CLUE where he worked?
Based on what I observed with sex offender Junaid Maalik, click here, who was found to be working a job driving a COURIER TRUCK, for god's sake, a job which requires you to be BONDABLE, for god's sake...it appears there is a widespread myth of the "closely supervised" Level Three sex offender. In fact, the Level Three sex offenders appear to be pretty much running their own deviant show, stacked thickly in our vulnerable neighborhood, while the system is either not watching closely or operating with a wink wink, nudge nudge as these guys work jobs for which NOBODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would hire a sex offender.
My mission continues. I want the specific addresses of every Level Three sex offender in North Minneapolis. And I want the number of Level Three sex offenders in my neighborhood to be drastically reduced.
Well if you look on the Minnesota DOC website you can look up every single person in your area. They give specific addresses as well as who their case manager is. (I am sure you knew that) Here is a funny thing, I just looked at the same thing for over south, and we have 15 more persons over north then they do over south....(INTERESTING right) Here is the catch, they have housing allotted specifically for sex offenders, one happens to be in Tangle Town...2 blocks from the Illion Park...on James. When I called and asked about this specific house, (for a project for school) they said that they could not give me information because of a privacy issue. Is North Minneapolis is more welcoming to these individuals? Well I am not to welcoming these kinds of individuals, I have 5 kids that I have to worry about.
No, the DOC website lists the address by BLOCK, not the specific address. I'm very familiar with the website you're referencing.
While I don't agree with John at all about posting specific addresses, I can at least shed some light on how or why this person became a mortgage broker.
A standard question on all mortgage or financial employment applications is whether or not someone has been convicted of a felony. Felony convictions don't automatically bar someone from employment in such places, especially if the act in question would have little bearing on the integrity of financial transactions.
And failure to disclose such information (even felony convictions that have NOTHING to do with fiscal integrity) often lead to immediate termination.
I find it doubtful that he would have disclosed such information up front only to have his license revoked at a later date. If the felony in question didn't keep him from getting his license it likely wouldn't be viewed in a worse light after the fact.
Plus, I'm not sure how one can be an effective mortgage broker while having LIMITED ACCESS TO THE INTERNET. Just sayin'.
Kirk is right around the corner from me, it seems. I recall reading the flyer and noting that his preferred victims are unknown adult women. Awesome.
But whatever, I still walk by myself up to BLO regularly. I've never seen the guy around.
But wouldn't I love to have his exact address, hint hint.
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