In the photo above, North Minneapolis Realtor Connie Nompelis (No-bell-iss, it's Greek) watches the destruction of the home of Pauline Fjelde, a dark day and a rallying cry for historic preservationists in the Twin Cities. Now--probably as one of the direct results of that tragic event--Connie has started a new online forum about historic preservation issues in Minneapolis.
Saving, renovating and enjoying houses is something near and dear to Connie's heart, though I know she likes old commercial buildings quite a bit, too. Because Connie cares about the issue so much, I expect this forum to be a success and make an important contribution toward preservation issues.
(Do not click "Read More")
Uh, this wasn't exactly ready to go public yet...............
But now that it's out there, I suppose there's no sense in taking it back.
People are welcome to check it out, and give suggestions if they like, as it is still not "fully deployed."
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