Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Gang House" In The Corridor Of Safety

Photo by John Hoff

Every summer this house on the corner of 6th Street N. and 31st Ave. N., across from the Apartment Complex of Anarchy gets taken over by "gang bangers." At the moment it is secured, but for how long?

The neighborhood lives in fear of these packs of feral young men, who openly deal their drugs, taking over the house and especially the yard, which is a fine place to sit on a warm summer day.
"Little Jane" is afraid to walk past them to catch her bus, to get to her job as a personal care assistant.

Rumor has it the house is full of dry rot and can't be saved. I can smell dry rot from the porch, though the door, which is padlocked but opens about two inches. The house sits, condemned, with a sign from an auction that happened a long time ago.

Folks in the neighborhood call it "the green house."

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