Thursday, April 17, 2008

A-Team Sanitation Special Forces Unit in "Sector 416-30"

Here the "Sanitation Special Forces Unit" pauses to plot strategy to clean up "416 30th." Note the garbage spilling out of the shed behind the guy in the red jacket. Stuff was tossed in that building for years, it seemed. Even today there is--I swear--an old vacuum cleaner up on the roof of the shed. Did it exhale powerfully and FLY UP THERE?

The doorway directly behind the man in the middle is still filled with ankle-high crap, but what could they do? THEY RAN OUT OF (EXPLETIVE) TRUCKS!

I say if you're going to send in a Sanitation Special Forces Unit to take on an impossible mission, at least make sure they've got vehicles up to the task.

(Do not click "Read More") Unlike the shed in the picture, there is no hidden mountain of crap piled up out of your sight.

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