Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A State Of Anarchy At 3101 6th St. N. (Photo Three)

Photo by John Hoff

This one is my personal favorite. It was a tough job, figuring out how to really capture the pungent essence of the subject, yet also place it in the context of the apartment complex without adding a lot of unnecessary elements. Then I spotted the area of "clean green" right in front of the spilled container.

Oh, I thought. Nice contrast!

Somehow, though, I think the composition cries out for black and white, don't you?

Also, the large dark object to the right could easily be mistaken for some kind of refuse container lid...but it's actually a face-down television. I could have moved the television around to show that better, but I'd consider this "artistic cheating."

Sigh. Good work, but not my very best. Maybe I can capture some stirring martial portraits when the "Sanitation Special Forces A-Team" is inserted?

The owner of Bangkok Market said he tries to pick up the stuff which blows over to his property, but because of all the loose trash behind "3101 6th" it becomes a never-ending-job.

(Do not click "Read More")

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