Here is the window I later secured at 430 30th Ave N., two houses down from my house. About a week later, an "official" board went up over the window, which was good--because the board I had to use was thin as a pancake, superior only to nothing at all.
Unfortunately--despite the fact I've called this in to 311--the windows in the garage are not secured, with a vehicle and two bikes sitting inside vulnerable to theft. That window is nothing but cinder block, so nails won't work. I guess the "Cadillac Boarding Service" doesn't do cement.
For $140 per board, you think they'd have the ability to board up ANYTHING. (Do not click "Read More")
Technically 430 30th, right? An address search on "430 6th" doesn't compute.
Arg. You are right. It is indeed 430 30th, though I was standing on 6th Street as I took this picture. I'm correcting the original blog entry. Nice catch.
Johnny: "long time reader... first time poster!"
You probably already know this but there's a superstar team of "owners" behind the address of 416 30th Ave N, Minneapolis...
Check out Sunday O Olateju & Oluyemisi Olateju... proud, yet foreclosed owners of the above premise! In fact those two community leaders have a lucky 13 properties that have been posted here:
Type in their last name... see what pops up. Bear in mind these need to go "past redemption" before the bank (or whatever institution) takes responsibility... until then where are they? Why aren't they cleaning out the crap at their properties??? Why aren't they out every day with a bag of nails, boards, lawnmowers, snow shovels, etc...
Now a simple google search on their names might turn up some contact info... I wonder if they would be willing to come out to any of their properties (let's say someone wanted to "buy" their property --- would they come out and "show" it?) Would this me "community newsworthy"? Would people in the community have questions should they come to their property? Anywho...
All piping on my end... Keep up the good fight Johnny! And be safe (hope this helps you a bit)
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