Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A State of Anarchy At 3101 6th Street N. (Photo One)

Photo by John Hoff

Here is a photo I took this morning of 3101. Don't worry, as you can see, if there are any children inside Mary Poppins is taking care of them. (Click here for a YouTube parody video about the movie Mary Poppins which I think is funny as all-get-out and really makes you think about how video can be, well, edited!)

I picked up the trashed umbrella and disposed of it. Yeah, an apartment complex full of people and not one of them thought to pick up a trashed umbrella laying out front for, like, three days. I wouldn't bother with this photo except to make my little remark about Mary Poppins and share that funny video. Wait until you see THE BACK!!!

(Do not click "Read More")

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