Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Symbol of Progress On My Block

Photo by John Hoff

Here is the tree which will be in the middle of the new construction on my block, owner-occupied housing built according to ecological principals. The "blue house" used to stand here, the one I blogged about as "this one is gone."

Kevin Gulden of Project Pride in Living showed me an illustration of the planned future development, sort of a "thumbnail blueprint," and I could see this tree right in the middle as a large green dot at the tip of Kevin's thumb. Of course all this stuff takes a lot of time, and is at the mercy of budgetary ups and downs. But progress is being made.

There was some good soil around the tree, so I planted perennial seed from the box Constance gave me. I hope it didn't have time to germinate before this morning's snow!

(Do not click "Read More")


Anonymous said...

Hey Johnny - I think you are developing a fan base of fellow North Side folks. I've had several people mention your blog to me lately. I admire your ability to board. My gig is I take down those annoying We Buy Houses, A&M Property Management Services, or For Rent or Rent to Own signs on public poles and sometimes - the idiots even put them on blvd trees! I don't mind the garage sale signs if they take them down once the sale is done - but if they are old, I grab them too. There is an ordinance against signs on public property in the City and I've got a pry bar in my car that I use to pull them down with. Private property - that's ok - but NOT on public poles and NOT on blvd trees! Good luck in Hawthorne - just be careful out there - we need every good homeowner we can get on the North Side!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading everything you've written so far and at some point I'll say more, but for now keep on doing this. It's important. I'm another Hawthorne guy, so I have a special appreciation for what you're going through. By the way, you're dead right about getting those 911 calls logged. Nothing gets done without a whole mess of 'em.