Saturday, September 27, 2008

Scenes From The Hawthorne Annual Meeting

Photos By John Hoff

Top, Peter Teachout, Jr. selected a book from the Great Hawthorne CanDo Bookaway! about Abraham Lincoln. Peter already had a six-year-old's grasp of history as he asked me, "Abraham Lincoln got shot in the head, right?"

Second from top, the sign in process was very important because board voting was done by quadrants.

Third from Top, Rose Teachout poses with some decorations. I heard somebody ask how Joy Teachout came to take on so much responsibility for decorating and catering. Somebody answered Joy's husband was the chairman, so it was "like being the pastor's wife." Nobody was complaining. Everybody was glad somebody was doing it. Just getting all the board positions filled is a challenge, let alone getting work done.

Below, Hawthorne was giving away the "old stlye" shirts to anybody who wanted one. Since there were no years on the shirts, I figured it was like the "old model" mattresses. Honestly, can you really tell a 2007 from a 2008?

There is one important distinction, however. HACC applied to be called HNA, and the change apparently was I'll be saying Hawthorne Neighborhood Association from this blog post forward. I still hear plenty of people saying "hack" however, which rolls off the tongue easier than "HNA."

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