Thursday, September 11, 2008

RNC 2008: Sage? Doobie? Sage? No, Definitely Doobie

Photo By John Hoff, September 2, (Above) Damaged Rail Car From I-35W Bridge Collapse, (below).

During the concert at the State Capitol grounds on September 2, I was walking through the edge of the crowd and thought I smelled...what's that? What's that smell?

I was sure it was marijuana. Well, then I saw this woman standing and burning sage and I figured, "No, what I smelled was just sage."

But wait a second. I *know* the smell of sage. When I lived in North Dakota, I had Native American friends who were big into burning sage. What I smelled was definitely marijuana smoke...coming from the vigorously moshing crowd, then combining with this woman's sage, or smudging herbs, or WHATEVER she had in her hands.

Yeah, the Republicans are in town, sage-burning lady. Better get a bundle of sage the size of a RAIL CAR.

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