Saturday, September 20, 2008

RNC 2008: Images From The Poor People's March On September 2

Photos By John Hoff, September 2

Above, one of the organizers of the Poor People's March, September 2. She is trying to put on a brave smile after I videotaped her testimony about how the foreclosure crisis is impacting her, personally. Note her shirt. I bought one like that at this rally and stuffed it in my backpack. It was very useful after I got teargassed outside Mickey's Diner. (Click for video, but don't expect much...mostly screams and my legs running)

Second from top, a "Rage Against The Machine" fan. Note the sticker on his shirt. Yeah, tell it to the police, buddy. Two days later a bunch of RATM fans were gassed and arrested for--as far as I can tell--walking en masse against a one-way street. (But I'm sure they were committing a lot of THOUGHT CRIMES while doing it)

Third from top, the same Latin American television reporter who later interviewed me is seen interviewing a Latino blue collar worker. Unlike blogs, television news coverage provides little context to go with its fifteen seconds of content. Unlike blogs, television will not hash things over weeks later, depending on readers/viewers to have in-depth interest and an attention span longer than ten seconds.

Those who watched the Mexican television coverage being created here probably walked away with an impression this rally was MOSTLY about the issues of undocumented workers. Well, that was a big issue for many rally participants...but not all. Not even MOST of them. It may have been a big issue for this man...who becomes de facto rally spokesperson by virtue of the fact a television news reporter is looking for a certain angle.

Below, a pile of signs. Like I mentioned before: don't worry about arriving at a protest without a sign. Somebody in charge will bring a bunch of extra signs.

(Do not click "Read More")

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