Sunday, September 28, 2008

What Accounted For The Heavy Annual Meeting Turnout? (We're Still Wondering!)

Photos By John Hoff

The turnout for the Annual Meeting was heavy. The board votes looked like a precinct caucus, even with a lot of candidates going for seats unopposed. After the incredible meeting, I met at Broadway Pizza with Jeff Skrenes, Bryan Thao Worra, and Peter Teachout. We speculated about what had caused the heavy turnout.

One theory was the recent lawsuit settlement with CitiMortgage, and lingering excitement in the neighborhood. Another theory was simply a lot of effort put into going door-to-door and passing out fliers. My own theory: the invitations had a right-to-the-point phrase which I've seen make all the difference in a CAMPUS environment: FREE FOOD.

Below, Brian R. came all the way from the Homewood neighborhood of Willard-Hay after I invited him by email. Brian sees the struggles in Hawthorne as connected to the fate of his own neighborhood and the reputation of North Minneapolis.

Above, "Likable" Larry Rosenthal, one of the new owners of 3000 Lyndale Ave. N., came in response to a flyer I left stuck in his fence gate. The young woman is his niece.

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