One of the most delightful and amazing parts of the September 25 Hawthorne Neighborhood Annual Meeting was the arrival of a large group of Oromo, affiliated with the Tawfiq Islamic Center, conveniently located just...
...across the street from Farview Park, where Hawthorne has so many of its various get-togethers and committee meetings.
The large contingent arrived after sundown, when they had completed their Ramadan fast. They were in support of their leader, Dr. Abdi G. Gonjobe. What happened next was complicated and interesting, and more details will hopefully be revealed as discussions take place the situation sorts itself out. But here is the important part:
The Oromo are HERE IN HAWTHORNE. They are standing up to be recognized, and stepping forward to play a larger role in making our community better. Their presence at the mosque at 2900 Lyndale Ave. N. has already improved our neighborhood and helped to drive away prostitution and drug dealing in that part of Hawthorne. Only good things will come of more participation by the Oromo community and its chosen leaders.
yes, hello, it's me again, the inquiring minds reader. Please expand on what happened next. the sooner the better. inquiring minds want to know. thanks.
When I have the info, something will get posted. I'm in suspense myself.
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