Monday, June 1, 2009

Yet Another Great Project By ReBuilding Together...

Photo By John Hoff

The Eco Village resident formerly known as "Patty Cake," who is now unafraid to be known by her own name of Pam Petrek lives in what has become one of the safest corners of NoMi, and wanted me to announce ReBuilding Together recently completed her privacy fence.

Yes, there were some delays in getting the fence project completed, but now that it's done and beautiful....well, Pam is nothing but happy. She's debating whether to stain the fence or just keep it natural. I think she's leaning toward staining it. I am, for the record, ambivalent on this issue of to stain or not to stain. Anything but ugly chain link, that's all I care about.

I snapped this picture as I was driving by in the vehicle of a lovely, wonderful person whose lawyer told her to AVOID THAT BLOGGER JOHNNY NORTHSIDE but, somehow, she can't. We were heading back home again after picking up my four car tires, slashed but now repaired. 

The complete cost of the repairs came from donations to this blog. THANK YOU, READERS. 

(Do not click "Read More")

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