It seemed like several folks at the September 1 anti-war rally were looking for the Somali group, trying to find them, wondering where they were. The Somalis finally arrived, together, and it seemed like they made a point of staying together. Their faces had an uncertain, worried look, but...
...there they were. Funny how the sight of the Somalian flag doesn't make certain folks all livid, unlike (oh, gee) the Mexican flag.
In the first moments after I saw the Somalis arrive, a guy walked up to this woman and casually gave her "know your rights" material, trying to speak loudly above the crowd noise, speaking MORE loudly because he thinks she will UNDERSTAND him better, and saying the material is, "In CASE you are DETAINED by the POLICE."
"Detained? Police?" she asked, in a thick accent, face full of worry.
Yeah, real subtle, know-your-rights guy. At least he didn't follow up with the if-you -are-brutalized-while-in-custody rap. Later, I saw the Somalis march SEPARATELY and I joined their tiny march, documenting it.
Did they march TWICE? I doubt it. I think many of them may have been too scared to march with the massive rally, not knowing what might happen, so they marched later.
And I don't blame it all on know-your-rights-guy. There was plenty of uncertainty about what would happen during the march, and people walking around with their faces covered must have seemed pretty scary to those who have endured warlords, ethnic cleansing, riots, genocide...I could go on, but why?
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