Sunday, September 7, 2008

RNC 2008: Vets Lead The Anti-War March (Though It's Not That Simple)

There was some pretty intense discussion about who was "leading" the anti-war march. A leader of the veteran's group was adamant that...

..."this is our march and we are leading it." And I noticed some loose talk among the even looser coalition had ticked off the vet leaders, in particular a snarky remark along the lines of "Why are the (expletive) war vets leading an anti-war march?"

So the vet leaders (especially the bald guy in the top picture) kept repeating and reiterating that "WE ARE LEADING THIS MARCH" and "WE ARE GOING TO SING OUR CADENCES, AND STAY STRONG, AND SHOW THEM WHO WE ARE AND BE PROUD OF WHO WE ARE. WE ARE VETS."

Yeah, sorry about the all caps. I was trying to speak above the helicopter sounds spilling over from the previous WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP

Despite the words of the veteran leaders, it was very clear to me that a group of peace marshals was the group actually at the very front, the very same individuals I saw training at the Humphrey Institute and blogged about previously, click here. I should also note I saw "attention seeking man" a few times at the rally, (a guy I blogged about earlier, click here) and he was NOT wearing a baby blue marshal's shirt. So THAT was good. Somebody must have picked effectiveness over political correctness, for once. There was WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP

Furthermore, in addition to the peace marshals at the very front--which might be discounted, given their role--a group of Native Americans was actually in front of the vets group. But here's the thing...that Native American group was chock full of vets. In fact, Native Americans join the military services in disproportionate numbers.

So based on what I was seeing...yes, the vets led the march (though peace marshals played their role at the very front of the march) but a group of Native Americans with Clyde Bellecourt holding an eagle staff was in "the front of the front." Therefore let the historical record WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP

(Do not click "Read WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP----)

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