Lately I've been getting a load of arrest reports and mug shots, and I'm happy to just keep putting this stuff out on the blogosphere. I'll make a point of saying this: if you get arrested for drugs or prostitution in North Minneapolis, there's a good chance your face and address will end up on the internet.
So best to avoid engaging in those activities in North Minneapolis.
In any case...
Nancy Jean Feltus, age 47 but looks 80, appears to have a drug problem...
On September 5, 2009, she was arrested by Officers Anthony R. Caspers and Griffin K. Hillsbo for an (alleged) narcotics violation and a warrant. Her home address is 2218 Lyndale Ave. N., an address which has seen some interesting developments recently: it was condemned for a lack of utilities on September 15, click here. The owner is Jerome Murschel, age 44, whose address is also 2218 Lyndale Ave. N.
Murschel was apparently caught up in the same incident as Feltus, but was only cited and released for driving after revocation, not any drug crime. For this reason, I don't have a mug shot of Murschel.
One can't help but take some comfort in the fact the owner of 2218 Lyndale Ave. N. is listed as the Federal National Mortgage Association, and the fate of this house appears to be up in the air.
So best to avoid engaging in those activities in North Minneapolis.
In any case...
Nancy Jean Feltus, age 47 but looks 80, appears to have a drug problem...
On September 5, 2009, she was arrested by Officers Anthony R. Caspers and Griffin K. Hillsbo for an (alleged) narcotics violation and a warrant. Her home address is 2218 Lyndale Ave. N., an address which has seen some interesting developments recently: it was condemned for a lack of utilities on September 15, click here. The owner is Jerome Murschel, age 44, whose address is also 2218 Lyndale Ave. N.
Murschel was apparently caught up in the same incident as Feltus, but was only cited and released for driving after revocation, not any drug crime. For this reason, I don't have a mug shot of Murschel.
One can't help but take some comfort in the fact the owner of 2218 Lyndale Ave. N. is listed as the Federal National Mortgage Association, and the fate of this house appears to be up in the air.
Oh. My. Goodness.
This is my former residence, called "drug-o-topia," by this blog.
I was renting the upper unit when I first moved into the Hawthorne neighborhood. I woke up one morning and saw Hennepin County sheriffs raiding the downstairs unit (where Mr. Murschel lives) and the garage. I asked the officer what was going on and they told me it was a narcotics raid.
The occupants and their friends were chronic inebriates, but seemed to mind their own business. There was some indication of drug activity, but they kept things relatively quiet (aside from CONSTANT bonfires, which apparently masked the smell of all the pot they were smoking).
Yes, one of the people who hung out in the back yard confirmed it was a pot bust.
Well, I moved out right away for several reasons: 1) safety, 2) how could I call out drug-dealing activities if I was renting from someone who was part of the problem? and 3) if the law was on to his dealing, then it was only a matter of time before the income being used to sustain the property dropped and the place went into foreclosure.
Well, it appears the latter has finally happened. We need to watch this property and keep it secure. It's a great structure with a lot of neat characteristics. It is a duplex, but really should be converted back into a large single-family residence. It's right next door to an evangelical Latino church.
I am worried about what might happen to a place formerly owned by drug dealers with pyromaniac tendencies. This house needs to get out of their hands as soon as possible, and into the possession of someone who will take good care of it.
I thought the address and one of the names sounded familiar, but I didn't have time to confirm this was "drug-o-topia" before getting the content online. I figured if it was, you'd tell me.
If readers are interested in some of the back story about this place, and Jeff's dramatic flight from "upper drug-o-topia," check out this URL.
is this a double exposure, or does she really have like eight nostrils down the side of her nose?
if there's not something seriously wrong with the photo, then i think we should take a serious look into our northside water quality.
I think those are moles or some other kind of blemish, not a double exposure of (heaven forbid) extra nostrils.
yeah, they're called METH sores...
(i'm both terribly sad for this woman and terribly happy that the 4th precinct is cleaning up the filth that is holding down our community)
Wow this is a trip! Because I was in love with Steve Murschel and got caught up you put this out for public to see so it keeps me from moving on with my life???!!! What kind of a person r u anyway? This is Nancy Feltus and I have moved on with my life, meth is in the past and I have paid my dues to society why do u want to keep making me pay. I'm a good person and work hard but am still homeless living in my motorhome cause of people's desire to put down someone cause they made a few mistakes in my life. Shame on you! What does doing this to people do for u? A power trip? R u perfect? Start cleaning up your own back yard cause I am glad to have had the chance to go to treatment and learn how to live life freely from the inside instead of being so bored with my life I have to belittle others! Again shame on u!!!!!
Hey, crazy former meth lady, if this is really you...
The article is from 2009. It is an ARCHIVED article. It went up at the time of your arrest and guess what? The archive is history, and I don't rewrite, revise, censor or conceal history. What happened is what happened.
You're not seriously suggesting that I shouldn't have written about you at the time of your arrest? And you're not SERIOUSLY suggesting that I should go back and alter archived stories every time somebody claims to be cleaning up their act?
What ARE you saying? Nothing worth my time to write such a thoughtful response as this, I'll tell you THAT.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I am busy watching my favorite show: BREAKING BAD. It's all about the messed up world of METH.
She'd best be commenting here too!
"was caught on camera at the Grand Casino Mille Lacs Sunday, June 7 as a coin purse with drugs slipped out of her pocket, not once, but twice.
According to the criminal complaint, Mille Lacs Tribal Police Officer was dispatched to the casino regarding possible controlled substances.
A security officer had taken custody of the coin purse which contained both meth and cocaine.
Surveillance footage of the casino showed "
I enjoyed reviewing some of the blog correspondences concerning this Nancy person. What seems to concern me is not that you have an agenda to create safe neighborhood, or because Nancy is upset, what confuses me is that you seem to care about others, yet it is also masked behind a judgmental and unforgiving demeanor. A rigid and self righteous perspective as though only she has done something wrong in life. Could we say you are a killer because you were or are a soldier? What if someday your child makes a poor choice and uses; condemn him/her for ever? Condom you because your belief to kill is justified by Government support?
Sir, I support your right to do your best to create safe neighborhoods, yet disagree with the non Christian judgment you administer without thought of what you say or do could affect anybody else. That’s just selfish, disrespectful, and closed minded.
In other words...
Don't judge. Don't you dare judge. Don't be judging.
But YOU SIR!!!!!!! You are judging my judging.
Yes I want to agree meth is a very hard substance to get off, I never once stated that it was the only time I was ever in trouble with it. But I was never in any trouble until I was 30 yrs old and that was when I was introduced to it (I even still have my teeth :) since then my life has been jail prison institutions treatments... Lost my trucking business my home that was paid for and my entire family is deceased (except my children) I have finally come to hating what it has done! If I stay wrapped up in all that guilt and shame I will go back to using meth, and if I do I will die there. I have been brought to my knees so its not like I'm trying to B.S. anyone or ask for forgiveness just wondering why a 4yr old charge that I was lookin at 21 months on has to still be hanging out there when a lot of the info is incorrect...mainly referring to the newspaper at Milacs Lake. After being under the influence we all make bad choices all I'm saying is "Give me a break!"
You've said your piece and I've said I don't remove historical and archived info, I don't remove ANY info, the blog is the blog. You made your lousy choices and this is one of the penalties you pay. Talk to your sponsor. I'm done with you.
No it's not meth sores boys its two moles
I'm not filth excuse me. I lost a business and a home what u got? A rental and obviously not a job.
Ok Johnny for whatever reason caused u to do what u do I pray for u. I am a better person today because of what I went thru yesterday. Life is a journey and I will not allow myself to b judged by anyone but my maker maybe u might take that path some day, I am now on a mission to help those u condemn. I don't c u posting anything about people that are murderers cause they didn't get along with their spouse, or child molesters that will never have the capacity to change cause that's the way they r wired. I know u do this because something happened to u in your life and I'm ok with that but if u post things like this u need for one thing to make sure your info is correct and another it b removed after a certain time span. I no longer live in north Mpls , I moved close to my adult children in Grand Rapids mn so I'm no longer a threat to north Mpls I m here for my children like u I'm only human. Peace dude
FIRST, I sure as heck do everything I can to make sure info is correct and you have not pointed out any error with my info.
Second, this info will not be "taken down after a certain time." NO info will be taken down, ever, if I have anything to do about it. This is the historical archive and I hope it is around for as long as humanity is around. So learn from this and move on.
John, this is the most wrong you have ever been about anything. You allege that you want to "blog" and be an activist for positive change and for good. Then, here's your chance to actually examine a situation where someone might have actually been able to better themselves and become a positive person. Instead of "investigating" that and writing about its potential worth, you decide to jump immediately into denigrating and name calling.
You have exposed yourself for what you really are: someone whose primary concern is for hurting other people, in the vague and disillusioned hope that it will somehow ease your own pain.
You are not what you so pathetically attempt to present yourself to be. Even the half-witted people who believe in you often comment as such in their responses to your rants. You should give up, John. Either try to better yourself and the world around you, or you are condemned to feel as you do now, inside, for the rest of your life. It must be just awful to have those feelings, John.
So every time some criminal makes a plea a few years later that they're turning their life around, I should remove material on my blog? When the Star Tribune does it, I will consider it...
And then NOT do it.
As usual, your narrow-mindedness makes you miss the point. You don't have to take anything down; but, if you are truly a "journalist" or an "activist," you will make an investigation and see if there is something to it, and then write about that.
Instead, you dismiss a person's statements as though they must not be true, simply because of who you perceive the person to be (which is the very definition of prejudice).
You make these grand claims about wanting to make the community better, but that entails the responsibility to write about good and positive things, not just to troll the internet for something sensational to pull off someone's Facebook page.
Do something real, John. Do something effective.
Perhaps the problem is that your black bitter heart cannot bear anything good. You literally cannot stand to seek goodness, so you wallow in your evilness and spread pain, again, all in the hopes of making your own pain go away.
But it hasn't worked, has it, John?
I am not interested in digging into a minor story from 2009 about a drug addict when I have major stories on the back burner like the Ferguson crime family. If Nancy Jean Feltus wants to describe how she's turned her life around, she is free to do so upon the thread of this very story.
I do not, however, remove stories. Ever. For anybody. And no serious journalistic entity does the same. You can whine and wheedle and talk about my "black heart" all the livelong day, but at the end of the day you're demanding I alter the historical archive. That won't happen.
Again, you missed the point, because I never asked you to remove the story. And, I didn't "demand" anything. Indeed, if you considered yourself seriously "journalistic" then you would be willing to re-examine previous conclusions and writings. But, again, true to the very definition of "prejudiced," you cannot be bothered to do so.
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