Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fall Home Projects: Clean gutters, Insulate Pipes, Make My House a PEACE House

Image from

by Jordan Neighbor
JNS Guest Blogger

Well, Johnny Northside is at Hawthorne neighborhood meeting, so that counts as "being away," right? So here I am guest blogging again, and multi-tasking while making my fall home to-do list.

I recently learned about a cool way I can use my house as a tool of PEACE and revitalization for my community. I'm going to Make My House a PEACE House.

I came across this on the PEACE Foundation website the other day. See, I went to the site to get the details on this year's event of all events, the PEACE Ball. Be there or be square, more on that later.

The website doesn't give specifics on what it means or what is involved in being a PEACE House. It does say take leadership on my own block to help build community. So I imagine being a PEACE House is whatever I make it to be, no requirements, no defined expectations. (isn't that the perfect way to contribute to my community?!)

I will get a static sticker to put in the front window that looks like the picture above, here. Sort of like the McGruff House signs, I guess this is like the local, homegrown version of a McGruff House.

I'll take a picture and show it here later and if you become a PEACE House, too, snap a pic and send it in to JNS International Headquarters for publication here on the blog.

Do Not Click "Read More" but Do Make Your House a PEACE House


Ranty said...

I want one!

Jordan Neighbor said...

OK, Ranty, don't forget to send in your pic when you put your static sticker in the front window!