by Jordan Neighbor
JNS Guest Blogger
The JNS International Headquarters has received a request to help announce and advertise that the Jordan Area Community Council, a.k.a. JACC, has opened nominations for elections to the Board of Directors. Here is the announcement that appeared in the North News, in compliance with the organization's bylaws.
Jordan Neighborhood Annual Election
October 22, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
(Location to be determined)
Nominations for Board of Directors open through September 18, 2009.
Nine openings available. These are volunteer (unpaid) positions.
Jordan Neighborhood Annual Election
October 22, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
(Location to be determined)
Nominations for Board of Directors open through September 18, 2009.
Nine openings available. These are volunteer (unpaid) positions.
Candidates must:
· Live in the neighborhood (between West Broadway, Emerson and Lowry Avenues),
· Own property in the neighborhood, or
· Be employed by a business, non-profit or government organization located in the neighborhood
To nominate yourself or someone else, request a nomination packet from the Jordan Area Community Council (JACC) office by calling 612-353-3601 or e-mail request to
Board members are expected to be a member of at least one committee and attend at least two meetings a month (the board meeting and their committee meeting). Board members should expect to spend about 10 hours a month on Jordan-related activities (includes meeting time).
JACC Nominating Committee
2009 James Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411 http://www.jordanmpls.org/
JACC is not the only NoMi neighborhood organization that is preparing for annual meetings and elections.
I have heard that Hawthorne Community Council has a meeting with elections coming up on September 24, perhaps someone can use the comment thread to provide more details.
Participating in your neighborhood organization is a great way to shape your community. Only the people that "show up" have a say, so get involved. Being on the elected representative board is one of the most significant ways to be involved, however it is not the ONLY way to be involved. There are committees to participate in and other tasks that need tending to. Some people like to be able to pick and choose what they can do and what they can attend, rather than the full commitment and obligation that having a title may require.
NoMi contains approximately 13 separate neighborhoods, some have individual organizations and some share organizations. The City of Minneapolis website is a great tool for navigating your neighborhood to get further involved.
(Do Not Click "Read More" but Do Attend Your Neighborhood Annual Meeting and Get Involved)
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